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Everything posted by 1776

  1. The 70’s were my serious rock-n-roll years. Some good times back then. I was a production supervisor for years and I was involved in hiring and there were some interesting stories logged back then. Makes me appreciate retirement when I think back to those days.
  2. Do you have an answer?
  3. Help me with this because I don’t recall…did Bush or McCain identify Thomas or Palin by race or gender publicly when selecting them?
  4. I don’t think calling it a failure is entirely out of the question. If the process of getting it passed was a part of the discussion, yes, it was a failure.
  5. This cartoon brings to mind the political ad Jesse Helms’ campaign ran against challenger Harvey Gantt in the NC US Senate race some 30 years ago. I would imagine posters here remember the ad? Then, and now, invoking race as a tool to motivate base voters and partisans is still in the playbook. Worse yet, it generally succeeds.
  6. If my calculations earlier today are correct the NASDAQ is now down @ 17%. Without checking, I believe the S&P may have closed in correction territory today.
  7. Very interesting article. Clyburn makes some good points. Born in Detroit…is she a Tigers fan? Fans want to know.
  8. Agree. This move doesn’t make sense at all.
  9. Agree for the most part. However, consider the run-up in the market the last several years, particularly the past year. I don’t know that we’re close to “very low prices” yet. I’ve been averaging into existing funds when the reddest of trading days come around. Best of luck going forward.
  10. After this month I’m surprised this thread hasn’t gotten any love. Has anyone taken any actions during the volatility this month? Sell? Buy? Hold?
  11. …and then there is the real world.
  12. If anyone is suggesting my motive for speaking up on this issue is based on partisanship -wrong. I think I have made the purpose of my objections clear. The basis of my objections here have nothing to do with political preferences.
  13. But doesn’t anybody see the hypocrisy or irony in this? Every employer, be they private, public, whatever, states front and center in bold print that hiring processes/practices will not discriminate on the basis of (you know the rest of the song). Any violations of this song & dance and the Feds are knocking on the door, rightfully so. Regardless of the past, at what point do we stop basing decisions on race, any race! It’s the hypocrisy and double standard that I object to. When do we, as a nation, get beyond making race or sex a part of conversations regarding hiring practices and selections? I know it won’t be in my lifetime.
  14. I’m not at all opposed to Biden selecting a black female candidate for the high court. I just don’t agree with the selection process disqualifying candidates, at the very outset, based on skin color.
  15. I’ll go on record as saying that when ANY President states that his or her selection process will, at the very outset, exclude other candidates based on skin color, I have a problem with that. I don’t care what their preference is. Regardless of political affiliation or any other preferences, this is wrong. Biden’s selection may well be, in the end, the most qualified for the court. Who knows! But to publicly announce that the selection of the next nominee will be based on a racial preference (the very subject the high court will take up in coming months regarding Harvard and UNC admissions) is wrong.
  16. If inflation isn’t resolved in the near future, Biden and his party are going to have a problem. This isn’t a partisan comment, it’s a fact. Prices and wages are rising for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, prices are more than offsetting wage hikes. And as history has shown, the folks with the lesser means always feel the most pain. The Federal Reserve demonstrated yesterday that they still are intimidated by market moves. Will someone explain to me the reason the Fed sees fit to continue buying bonds for another month and a half with inflation rising as it is! Personally, I believe the markets volatility this month spooked Powell and his comrades to an extent.
  17. Is there any word on whether or not they’re meeting today? I haven’t seen anything either way.
  18. Although I don’t care much for Biden, how do you not get totally frustrated with that question! Joe has a lot of domestic and geopolitical issues on his plate now. He’s probably missing his senate days right about now.
  19. Between Sinema and Chaney, Arizona does politics right. Sinema gets censured at home for having the ‘nads to think for herself and Cheney gets punished and loses a committee position for the same reason. Maverics they are.
  20. By the way, we made a road trip last year to Fredericksburg to see a game at the new baseball park-nice! As Jim Price would say, Nice area.
  21. Now, that’s the kind of feedback I’m looking for.
  22. The North Carolina General Assembly, which has been majority Republican for several years now, has lowered the flat income tax rate here from 5.25% in 2021 to 4.9% in 2022 and will bottom at 3.9% in a couple more years. This rate applies to everyone statewide. They managed to do this with a sitting Democrat in the executive. Cooper signed it but you can take it to the bank, a Democratically controlled legislature would have never taken this initiative and it only moved forward because the GOP had the majority in both chambers. How’s life in VA? I’m too lazy to follow the rates there?
  23. Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope - do you think he's a fool? After Forever Black Sabbath
  24. Per MLB…just for you casimir. “Unlike last week’s meeting, which took place on a Zoom call, Monday’s meeting will be held in person in New York.”
  25. At least they’re talking…sort of.
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