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Everything posted by 1776

  1. No, that’s when they hire Ron Gardenhire.
  2. Interesting. So is this decision to terminate the MLB team cards a directive from MLB or Bank of America?
  3. I am registered “Unaffiliated.” I am conservative politically. To your point, I don’t know what November will look like on the GOP side but the midterms will most likely define the party going forward. I’m sure McConnell, like myself, would love to see Trump go away politically. I don’t believe Trump can win at the top of the GOP ticket. He certainly won’t get my vote and he want get a lot of other votes that he got the recent election. He done himself in starting on election night and continuing to this day by his behavior. He is unfit to be president. If Trump is at the top of the 2024 ticket…it won’t be good. I will write in Magnum PI for President and TC for VP. If I were on the Democrats side of the fence, I would be Trump’s biggest supporter right now.
  4. Well there you go.
  5. There is a thread on the Politics Forum specifically about this topic and it is just waiting for you guys to show up and contribute. 😉 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  6. Posey and his wife adopted twin sisters born eight weeks premature in July 2020. He sat out 2020 as a result of this and the virus. I think his real reason for retiring after this season was to be at home more with his family.
  7. Out of curiosity, do you have access to communicating with an HR person? Shouldn’t they be the point person(s) on this issue. I would think someone should provide the “why and hows” on this decision?
  8. We were looking seriously at a spring training trip this year. There are four home games in five days at the end of the schedule which is a rare plus. Tickets go on sale next Saturday. As it stands now we’re probably not going to buy tickets with so much undecided regarding an agreement at this point. If they don’t start on time the whole thing blows up as far as planning goes.
  9. …and are projected to increase a good bit more in 2022.
  10. Not in some conspiracy minded world here but… I honestly wonder about the validity of results sometimes.
  11. I believe, all things considered at this point, inflation is more or less a natural progression of returning to some semblance of normalcy, post-virus actions/reactions. I recall many of the money gurus projecting a steep and severe nosedive in the market and economy early in 2020. They were correct. These same people were also, for the most part, we’re touting a quick rebound. The rebound has been staggered and there are many reasons why that I won’t get into. Was it a good year in the market? Just look at the capital gains distributions to answer that question.
  12. The next 12 months will be interesting. If the Fed carries through on their projections of three hikes and the bond buying does indeed stop in eight months we’ll see where we are then. Interesting times we live in.
  13. The Tigers put Correa on record as turning down a 10/275 offering. On this board and elsewhere, this isn’t really a good look for Correa. A lot of baseball fans are more likely to agree with the Tigers numbers as opposed to Correa’s expectations. It’s about perception. The Tigers may not have even intended to sign him to begin with, who knows. For that matter, he may not even want to be in Detroit.
  14. If you read Fauci’s comments in the article, they don’t even add up. He has been all over the place from the very beginning.
  15. I’ve got to show these pics to my wife. Awesome 👍
  16. So you’re saying I now have to track- Americans killed by Trump Americans killed by Biden …..and Americans killed by the vaccine. This is getting way too busy.
  17. I read the American Thinker link article. I personally found nothing to contest or label as false information. Good read.
  18. Putting something out there like the 10/275 removes the argument down the road that the Tigers didn’t try to snag Correa. If in fact, the offer was made and he turned it down, it puts Correa on record as saying no the Tigers. It can’t be said that the Tigers didn’t make an effort. From a PR perspective, good move on the Tigers part.
  19. So, I respect your opinion. However, I would differ by replacing your word “symptons” with the word effects. A reduction of the effects on a body can be the difference between life and death. I see value in that.
  20. To this end, I will acknowledge that this virus/vax has been politicized to adnaseum.
  21. Correct me if I’m wrong, the vax isn’t to prevent one from contracting the virus? My impression for getting vaxed and boosted is for the purpose of decreasing the effects the virus will have on my body. I, or others, can still carry and transmit the virus, irregardless.
  22. “That was the general thought when they came out” So tell me, based on the above response, who declared the vaccination an end all to the vulnerability to the virus? Who asserted anything beyond an opinion? No one has.
  23. No, he didn’t. You’re looking for something that doesn’t exist.
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