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Everything posted by 1776

  1. I don’t believe Archie implied that the vaccines were an “end all.”
  2. Cawthorn is a disappointing character. Failed marriage aside, he has turned his entire political being over to the wishes of D.J.T. He is going to run in a different district in 2022 as North Carolina has redrawn its districts. We picked up another house seat going forward. Cawthorn, after visiting Trump in Florida and being re-anointed, has decided he’s the guy to represent the new 13th house district in N.C. Clearly he is getting his marching orders from Trump. I am still celebrating the fact that Trump’s daughter-in-law isn’t going to run for US Senate here. Nationally, I think Trump has endorsed eighty-some candidates to date for 2022. Cawthorn and everybody’s fav, MJT, we’re on hand for a fundraiser here in NC for another Trump wannabe house candidate recently. The newest wannabe, Bo Hines, is another Trump disciple. This will be an interesting year coming up.
  3. Very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and coworkers. Yes, I am understanding the Omicron variant is less severe than the prior variants and that South Africa seems to be on the other side of the curve at this point. Welcome back.
  4. I have been opposed to signing Correa from the very outset.
  5. Say what you will about Hobby Lobby, they are a money making machine.
  6. If he changes his current position, you are correct. Simple. I am opposed to spending trillions of dollars right now for several reasons. One, it is not necessary to begin with. The economy is bouncing back and there aren’t enough workers to fill the jobs that are open now! Employers are offering bonuses and raises in many cases to existing workers and new hires. We are headlong into an inflation issue that doesn’t need more gas on the fire. Not sure why people don’t understand the inflation part of this equation. Even if the supply chains and the like are resolved, pouring money into the economy right now is absolutely going to put pressure on the inflation side of things. This will make mortgage rates move up, hurting the lower earners that buy anything on credit, not the least of which might be a mortgage. It will be the folks with the least means that will suffer most with higher rates. And a big thumbs down to a Federal Reserve that is behind the curve on this and doesn’t seem to be overly concerned. This bill is no more than a political power play that, as of now, doesn’t have the power to go through. I would love to see it fail, straight up. We are not in a crisis. It is ill advised.
  7. Exactly where is it recorded that Manchin said that if that’s what you’re implying.
  8. HuffPost- Continuing the child tax credit for another year is a core part of the Build Back Better legislation that Democrats had hoped to pass by the end of the year. The policy has already cut child poverty by nearly 30%. Manchin’s private comments shocked several senators, who saw it as an unfair assault on his own constituents and those struggling to raise children in poverty. Manchin has also told colleagues he believes that Americans would fraudulently use the proposed paid sick leave policy, specifically saying people would feign being sick and go on hunting trips, a source familiar with his comments told HuffPost. End of Quote. Source: HUFFPOST I would ask where the evidence is that provides documented proof that the child tax credit has reduced child poverty by 30%. Is that too much to ask? Secondly, there is not the first quotation for any of the alleged comments attributed to Manchin regarding the misuse of child tax credit money. It’s the old he said/she said which requires zero proof. I noticed CNN and others are attacking his position on this also, no surprise. The above piece from HuffPost is nothing but a hit piece, plain and simple.
  9. “Will you be aligned with his perspective when he eventually supports a BBB bill?” As stated twice prior, I am opposed to the BBB. That won’t change.
  10. There are 100 Senators in Washington. Every single one is probably invested in this or that and has connections here and there. I don’t like it anymore than anyone else. Whatever Manchin’s motive is for objecting to the “as is” BBB, I am aligned with his perspective. There is so much wrong with this bill.
  11. From today’s WSJ: “Confronting Inflation, Biden Administration Turns to Oil Industry It Once Shunned U.S. producers, chastised about climate change, balk at White House’s call for more drilling to rein in gasoline prices” ———- How revealing. Biden and his people are doing their damndest to put oil producers out of business and punish those that survive. Not surprisingly, with inflation climbing and no end in sight, he and his administration turn to the very industry they’re trying to kill to save him. If it weren’t so comical it would be sad.
  12. I posed a question yesterday that apparently no one can answer. No surprise really. There are Senators in Washington that don’t know the answer either but are willing to spend the money anyway for political expediency.
  13. So again, exactly how much money is earmarked for moving the coal industry to clean energy as defined in the BBB? And what is the path to get there? Any business spending money on a, we’ll call it a project, will have to provide a road map with specific expenditures along the way. There is no such thing in Washington. There is no accountability on either side. This BBB is so full of unnecessary spending it is ridiculous. Manchin may cave in the end, who knows. If you get out of line in either party these days you’re ostracized publicly and are subject to fire and brimstone.
  14. Nobody in Washington knows what “deficit neutral” is. Or for that matter, cares.
  15. I’m not disagreeing with your point at all. My question is, exactly how will the money be allocated and specifically to what? Is there a defined path to accomplish a transition from coal that has X dollars specific to this goal and X dollars earmarked for that. This is what concerns me about these expenditures, there are very few specifics up front. I agree with Manchin’s position to this point.
  16. “…BBB will protect labor and give coal miners a *better* shot at getting jobs in a renewable energy future.” How?
  17. I received the book, Detroit Tigers 1984, yesterday. I didn’t even realize this book existed until I was searching for books to read related to the Tigers. Glad I found it-enjoyable read.
  18. They may be but that’s pretty cool.
  19. He played Murray Burnes. The show was at Duke University.
  20. Many many moons ago Selleck came to Durham for a play. The title of the play was, A Thousand Clowns. My wife has always been a huge Selleck fan. We attended one of the shows there and it was great. This was several years after the Magnum television series ended.
  21. Actually, Sparky’s father really was a house painter. Bill James should have been more creative on this one.
  22. For me, it isn’t about checking the records or checking the standings before deciding if I’m going to wear my Tiger t-shirt or Tiger hat. In fact, I probably wouldn’t, and haven’t in the past bought playoff apparel because I don’t want to be confused with the bandwagon club. But hey, that’s just me I guess.
  23. So, suppose in situations that, after being “informed about abortion” a majority of women, we’re talking international here, wanted to give their child up for adoption as opposed to abortion. Would you also approve of your tax dollars supporting international adoptions?
  24. Tanking is not trying to win. It starts at the top.
  25. US President Joe Biden has reversed a ban on federal funds going to international aid groups that perform or inform about abortions. The above subtitle is from an article from the BBC on January 28th of this year. I don’t think I need to post the entire article. I know Joe “is a good Catholic,” but what is your take on the above?
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