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Everything posted by 1776

  1. Dusty probably described Anderson’s five innings better than anyone-“effectively wild.”
  2. 543 Keyhole Drive
  3. Tell it. For this reason I don’t really mind if he doesn’t come back to Detroit. I wasn’t really on board with Hinch being hired either. He’s a very good hire but I really don’t have much respect for the guy. It’s hard for me to look beyond what he did in Houston.
  4. Bob Melvin has been hired as the new Padres manager and given a three year deal. I sure didn’t see this one coming.
  5. Same article from above (WSJ-Wednesday, October 27, 2021-print version) “Under industry protocols, any gun used for a film isn’t supposed to be passed from one person to another but rather transferred by the armorer, according to multiple armorers and movie industry crew veterans. An armorer should be in charge of the weapon at all times, and should give it directly to an actor, according to the people who have worked on film sets.”
  6. Clearly this was a total fail in safety procedures across several lines. Dave Halls, Ms. Gutierrez Reed, and Baldwin were all negligent in this tragedy. From the WSJ: ”Every time we hand off a gun on set to talent, we show the chamber, bore, and magazine,” said Chandler Cornblum, Vice President of Movie Armaments Group, a Toronto-based weapons supplier. “And the actor has to signal they accept the gun is empty, only then do I hand the gun off.” Obviously this didn’t happen. All three aforementioned people on the set, in one way or another, contributed through negligence at the very least, to Halyna Hutchins death.
  7. Supposedly he’ll be ready to go for spring training (whenever that is) according to comments made after his injury was diagnosed.
  8. What individuals have been paying a 15% tax on unrealized gains? Musk has a very good point.
  9. That’s what I was thinking but wasn’t sure. Thank you for the information.
  10. Cardinals have scheduled a 10 AM presser for tomorrow. Oliver Marmol is the favorite to succeed Mike Shildt.
  11. To what extent, if any, will this affect the minor league schedule/season? Things have changed a lot in recent years.
  12. What else would you expect from a Yale education?
  13. Manfred is spineless. He’s a sell-out above all else. However, I don’t believe he would have moved the AS game had Hank still been alive.
  14. Were they Braves fortunate enough to win the World Series, I could think of no better scenario than the organization bringing the governor of Georgia in to accept the trophy from Manfred. “Boo-Yah!”
  15. There is no question the umpire blew this call. I listened to the audio of the game last night and refused to watch the video until this afternoon because I’m tired of the controversies from the officials occurring so frequently. I thought this would be one of those “did he or didn’t he”videos. Not at all. Terrible call. Not even in the ‘maybe’ category. To the Giants credit they didn’t blow this up or blame the loss on the ump. They were class, especially Kapler.
  16. The Cardinals have parted ways with manager Mike Shildt citing “philosophical difference.”
  17. Today is Jim Price’s 80th birthday. Happy Birthday to the big guy.
  18. They were awarded the World Series Championship trophy. That’s bullsh!t. There was a concerted effort across much of the team to cheat another team out of the championship. The manager was fully aware what was taking place in his dugout. Your implying that my issue with this is somehow ‘holier than thou’ is also bullsh!t. I’m talking specifically to the Astros cheating, not about every other incident in the history of MLB. Should I apologize for being pissed off for being upset that MLB let the cheaters walk! If you want to be an apologists, go for it. I’m not up to trying to rationalize away what Houston did.
  19. Individual players have always tried to find ways to fudge the rules for an advantage. Houston’s cheating was, for the most part, condoned from top to bottom. Why do you feel compelled to deflect for them?
  20. Some baseball folks, myself included, will never get beyond how the Astros won a World Series. I think LaRussa is probably one of those guys. That’s not to say there was anything underhanded or wrong about this series, I wouldn’t think there was.
  21. To LaRussa’s point, the Astros do suck! They should never have been permitted to keep the WS trophy. For those that really care about the integrity of the game, that will always be a huge wrong. That Hinch sat by and watched the party bothers me as well to this day. Verlander knew what was going on and rolled with it anyway. I hope Correa never wears a Tiger uniform-ever. Done with that. Having cleared that air, the White Sox totally suck forever. I think LaRussa is finished.He was brought in to win and…. I like Dusty Baker and I like Tony LaRussa. They’re both old school baseball guys that have been successful. LaRussa should have stayed retired. He walked away on the perfect note.
  22. I’m wondering if LA will pitch Scherzer Friday if they go back to SF for a game 5.
  23. It’s not as easy as I make it look.
  24. The Rays are the ONLY team I give a **** about in the AL so they’ll lose.
  25. Tenacious DMotownSports Fan Posted March 2 “I like Jim a lot. Seems like a sweet guy. I just don’t want him on my radio calling Tiger games.” This may be the case going forward.
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