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Everything posted by 1776

  1. A huge Thank You! to Tigeraholic1 for doing an exemplary job of doing the game threads this year. Much appreciated!
  2. All in for the Rays in the AL. Anything after the Rays I don’t care as I despise the rest of the teams. In the NL, I’m for the Cardinals.
  3. The SF/LA race is pretty impressive in that it is for a division win, not a wildcard spot.
  4. I would love to see Nick in a Tiger uniform again but I don’t know that he’d have any desire to come back to Detroit, all else being even. Your above comment was totally applicable two years ago as well.
  5. This is exactly where I am and have been for more than a year. Avila hasn’t hasn’t proven jack to me to this point. “The pressure is now very high for Avila” is the big truth now. To repeat myself, Avila is going to have to be a real GM going forward, not just some guy that has the top picks in every draft for the last two or three years and sits by watching the big tank-big difference. I hope he proves me wrong but I am not sold on his ability to outmaneuver other GM’s for talent and money. True, very interesting off-season coming up.
  6. Is it spring training yet?
  7. Can you shut the entire team down for this year and move on? Enough.
  8. We managed to get up there for a 1991 series with the Yankees and in 1999 we came up for a series with Boston. I loved that old park. It was a physical history of the Detroit Tigers.
  9. Welcome Archie. The more old guys the better.
  10. Must. Finish. .500.
  11. I miss the days when the pitchers only had a piece sandpaper on them.
  12. Under the Chris Illitch regime, the D on the Tigers hat was three different sizes over three consecutive years, 2018-2020. The total cluster was the billboard sized D on the 2019 hat. I’m OK with the font change on the D on the home jersey chest a couple of years ago. I would prefer it were a tad smaller though. This year several teams have introduced their “City Connect” uniforms. I haven’t seen one I like yet. The Dodgers CC uniforms are terrible in my opinion. I fear the day, and it is coming, when the Tigers roll out theirs. I’m sure it will be another dud. I would think with the word, DETROIT, across the chest you could go a long way in connecting the city with the team…but that’s just me.
  13. Do the button up style on the 70/80’s version as well and we’ll have a deal. Love the ‘68 roadies. vintagedetroit.com has some Freehan & Kaline ‘68 tees that mimick the jersey.
  14. Do the button up style on the 70/80’s version as well and we’ll have a deal. Love the ‘68 roadies.
  15. Tuned in to the St.Louis/Milwaukee game last night and learned that none other than Quintin Berry is the Brewers first base coach. The forever man, QB!
  16. One of the things I will celebrate about this season is the fact that the Padres season has fallen well short of their expectations.
  17. …or did MTS abandon us?
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