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Everything posted by 1776

  1. Skubs followup pitch clocked at 100 up…but not in.
  2. https://www.mlb.com/news/robbie-ray-using-tarik-skubal-s-changeup-grip-for-new-pitch?partnerID=mlbapp-iOS_article-share This is a cool story. Robbie Ray reached out to Skub this offseason and asked Skub about his changeup grip/delivery and Skub responded.
  3. Ryan Miller is a native of Sarasota. Quite the homecoming.
  4. We bought two sets of 1987 baseball cards the year our son was born. I couldn’t even tell you what brand they are but I really need to dig them up and see. They’ve never been opened. Due to the number of card producers out there, I doubt the sets are worth much.
  5. Five Grapefruit League games canceled so far today.
  6. Thanks for posting. Wasn’t sure there was another option for today’s tickets other than for exchanging for future games. Happy to see we can get a refund for today’s rain out.
  7. The fact that Maeda and Mize both looked good the first time out is encouraging. Manning struggling as he did was disappointing because I know he’s aware of the expectations and has to be frustrated. As of now it looks as though tomorrow’s game may well get washed out. If the forecast is even close to being accurate, I don’t see them playing.
  8. We ran into some guy that does Tigers radio while waiting to get in to the park this morning.
  9. George Lombard is managing this game. Haven’t seen Hinch. Dombrowski, Leyland, and Scott Harris are located in the sections immediately behind the plate.
  10. Tork is going to begin his audition first game out of the box. I’d really like to see him have a really good spring for everyone’s sake. We got into the hotel here in Lakeland at 10 o’clock last night. Met a guy this morning in the breakfast area from Rochester, MI. Super nice guy. He’s come down every year for years. We talked Tiger baseball for 30 minutes. Half the enjoyment of these trips is meeting other baseball fans.
  11. Let’s put it this way, lose this game and Skubal is gone at the trade deadline
  12. Yep, that Alex. Thank you.
  13. Nashville’s peeps have said recently that they are not ready for an MLB team at this point.
  14. Orlando is all about the Rays. I think that is the most probable likelihood this far out.
  15. Yeah, so glad the tigers signed Alex Wood instead.
  16. We attended a game in Oakland on July 4th, 2019 with our son and his family when they were living out there. It was a beautiful day and the game was fun, A’s won! Remembering the good times. I tip my hat to the fans that did routinely attend games there. That park showed its age and there wasn’t a whole lot you could do to make it better, my opinion only. The concourses were small and cramped and the parking lot area was subpar. Of course, the park is in an area that represents Oakland well, if you get the drift. I’ll be interested to see what attendance looks like for the Rays in Tampa this year. Everything I’m reading suggests the Rays want out of the commitment to the park planned for the gas district. March 31st is the latest date to watch on that.
  17. Verlander has embraced the role of being a willing mentor in SF that I knew he would have in Detroit, given the opportunity. He’s been very involved with the younger pitchers through watching their bullpens and sharing his ideas and observations with them. Nothing but positive vibes from Bob Melvin down.
  18. Gerritt Cole has been brought in as a special instructor.
  19. Thank you for this information!
  20. We’ll see the Jays in Lakeland. The anthems hadn’t crossed my mind but yeah, might be interesting.
  21. I coached youth baseball for five years or so when my son was of age. I have four grandsons nine years and under that play baseball. Of course, my son is coaching youth baseball now. I enjoy this kind of stuff. My wife is a team player that is a legit baseball fan! Thank you for sharing your experiences. 👍
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