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Everything posted by 1776

  1. I’m not a fan of Cooper at all at the state level here. However, I agree with your point overall. I recall Kerry choosing John Edward’s as his ticket to the south VP and that didn’t come close to working. Edward’s was trying to put the cart before the horse. Cooper would be a wise choice. He is a seasoned and polished product. Cooper was going to be on the national stage at some point anyway. His track record would stand up well beside most every opponent out there. Viewed as a progressive in NC he’d likely be viewed as a moderate nationally which would play well in the center.
  2. Your comments are not entirely accurate. John Adams left town before Thomas Jefferson was inaugurated. Adams did not attend Jefferson’s inauguration. On Feb. 17, 1801, the Federalists in the House of Representatives finally, on the 36th ballot, gave up their quest to steal the presidency from Jefferson and certified his election. This left President-elect Jefferson just 15 days to put his administration together. It seems certain that he had already drafted his inaugural address — one of the three or four greatest in American history — and he knew going in that his principal adviser would be James Madison. John Adams left town before Jefferson was inaugurated. John Adam’s did not attend the third presidents inauguration.
  3. So what’s Obama’s reason for declining to jump on the Harris bandwagon? He declines to endorse while saying an,“outstanding candidate will emerge.” I would think this a bigger conversation than I’m hearing.
  4. A win is a win! Need a nice run from here.
  5. WSJ July 19, 2024 7:23 pm ET A gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination. Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier in the day on July 13 to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s ill-fated rally, the officials said. The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.
  6. I’m on the other side of the coin-no Apple TV. Hate that. Wanted to watch Flaherty pitch.
  7. WashingtonCNN — First lady Dr. Jill Biden will host a fundraiser while she’s in Paris leading the US delegation to the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris later this month, the Biden-Harris campaign said. ——————- Jill can’t let it go. This isn’t about serving the country anymore. This is about serving yourself and your lust for power. Give it up, the charade is over.
  8. I’m seriously believing the Covid thing is the first orchestrated move to remove him. I believe Biden commented the day of, or the prior day, of his testing positive that the only way he would step down is if doctor’s orders demanded as much. I’m waiting for the next act.
  9. The same guys that designed the All Star unis prolly. Flaherty’s days are few here in Detroit and I really wish he were staying. Here or wherever, I hope he finishes strong this season.
  10. The exact response I expected. So my comment stands.
  11. Both the GOP and Democrats have abandoned the center. It’s an all or nothing in Washington. Sad
  12. Will you please convey your point to Motown Bombers. He’s having a really really hard time letting go.
  13. The question the Democratic Party is asking has nothing to do with Biden’s past accomplishments. Jeffries is talking around the core issue driving this whole fiasco. The party questions whether or not he has the charisma and energy to move the party forward. This, not his accomplishments, is the sticking point. This isn’t an election about a 30 day term, we’re talking four years.
  14. It is beyond me how anyone can listen to any of this garbage. Be it Democrat or Republican, it’s all BS.
  15. We’ll be seeing St. Paul & The Broken Bones Saturday night…finally.
  16. Myself included, I believe there are several Vanguard account holders that comment here. The link below is an announcement that VG has a new CEO effective this month. Historically Vanguard filled their CEO chair with inside people. The new CEO comes over from Blackrock. https://corporate.vanguard.com/content/corporatesite/us/en/corp/who-we-are/pressroom/press-release-vanguard-announces-appointment-salim-ramji-new-ceo-05142024.html
  17. “This is a long piece, and we could’ve made it twice as long. But hopefully you get the point. The Detroit Tigers could trade Tarik Skubal at this year’s deadline and get an interesting prospect package. But they’ll be losing the best player in every possible deal. They are probably better off trying to build a proper offense and bullpen in free agency and making another run at the playoffs in 2025. And if it doesn’t work out next year, they can still trade him before 2026 and get a strong return.” —————————————————- This is the best option in my opinion. If Harris buzzes my number I’ll tell him so.
  18. I was predicting he’d withdraw before Monday. I’m moving the timeline to before Saturday. It’s a foregone conclusion. The longer he waits the more the confusion and chaos in the party. The script is being written now.
  19. Did Crooks have money invested in this outfit? As in, did he have skin in the game, no matter the amount?
  20. It’s a non starter. I still hear people today refer to President Clinton and President Reagan.
  21. Hillary says she’s not busy the next four years.
  22. Maybe they don’t want to upset the powers that be that dish out funding for election campaigns for fear of being on the wrong side of the argument. Maybe they’re waiting to see which way the tide is going. I think we’ll know something within days right now. When Schumer and Schiff both come out against Biden staying in, it’s bigger news than his campaign.
  23. This has nothing to do with democracy. Where would the left be without the constant harping on everything being a threat to democracy! This is an inner party issue that will get worked out, possibly to some folks angst.
  24. What is Biden’s impact on the down ticket? Haven’t there already been instances of candidates shying away from having him along for public appearances? Frankly, I don’t understand why Jill Biden doesn’t try to convince her husband to take the wins, go home, and enjoy a retirement with family and friends. The man has been in Washington 55 years! When is it enough? I say this regarding all lifers in Washington, regardless of party.
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