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Everything posted by 1776

  1. Question: Have there been any updates on Baez’ condition? How ready is he to go on the first day of spring training? I haven’t heard much on his status in a while. Thanks.
  2. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this over the years. I’m sure most everyone has seen this but I’ll put it here for anyone that hasn’t.
  3. The Roth IRA and penalties associated with them were being discussed somewhere around here but I can’t find it now. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/waitingperiodroth.asp#:~:text=The five-year rule applies in three situations%3A if you,withdrawals and a 10% penalty. I don’t believe all the penalties were being noted in the other thread, particularly withdrawals in less than five years of opening the account. Apologies if I’m not remembering correctly.
  4. …speaking of Boras. I guess I’m the only one that didn’t realize he played in the Cardinals organization before pursuing a degree in law.
  5. I’m reading that the Padres are out on Sasoki. Surprising to me if true.
  6. I’m a Vanguard guy but this fine is overdue. This was a total cluster for many clients. It was negligence in a big way. —————————————————— Asset management giant Vanguard has been fined more than $100 million to settle charges related to disclosures around target date investment funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced Friday. The violations stem from a 2020 change where Vanguard lowered the minimum investment requirement for its institutional target date funds. The SEC order found that the change spurred redemptions as Vanguard customers moved from other target date funds into the institutional versions, creating taxable distributions for some of the remaining shareholders. The SEC said Vanguard failed to properly disclose the potential impact of the investment threshold changes on distributions.
  7. I followed this closely at the time. This was a front and center news piece then. The book, Executioners Song, by Norman Mailer is an excellent read on this whole story. One of the best books I have ever read.
  8. Forty-eight years ago today: Gary Mark Gilmore (born December 4, 1940, McCamey, Texas, U.S.—died January 17, 1977, Draper, Utah) was an American murderer whose execution by the state of Utah in 1977 ended a de facto nationwide moratorium on capital punishment that had lasted nearly 10 years. His case also attracted widespread attention because Gilmore resisted efforts made on his behalf to commute the sentence.
  9. Your primary response to things you can’t produce an honest response to.
  10. From my perspective, it is interesting.
  11. You did express an opinion on the article. So we’ll just say your opinion was baseless. Works for me.
  12. You’re hitting the guardrails hard right now. Settle down.
  13. So how did you come to a conclusion regarding the content of an article you didn’t read? Interesting.
  14. Code for, I’m without an answer. Got it.
  15. What in the article was false? I’ll wait.
  16. I’ve lied about what? That’s your MO, allege someone is lying without any substance to back it up. What lie?
  17. I prefer the word clarified over corrected. Something you were obviously unable to do.
  18. Is that how lame your perception is on deciding who people are?
  19. How can I be this MAGA guy you keep alleging I am when I didn’t vote for him?
  20. Why do you feel compelled to consistently misrepresent the truth to support your points?
  21. I’m not extrapolating anything. Not that big a deal to me. It’s over. Like, really over.
  22. I was hoping you would “extrapolate” the votes of 2020 to bring clarity to the election results. Wrong door.
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