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Tiger337 last won the day on February 23

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  1. I never thought I'd see a bigger asshole than Trump, but Musk might have surpassed him.
  2. Conservatives have always thought that empathy was for weak people. They just don't hide it now.
  3. On the bright side, we would a day off from work on June 14. So, I would just take the day off and call it Dump Day.
  4. If they are one issue climate change voters, then they think we are doomed either way.
  5. Or maybe they vote for nobody.
  6. Those of us who live in Chelmsford think Littleton is close and Boston is far away!
  7. I do not approve of this kind of protest.
  8. The question is which side we are going to be on.
  9. What if someone's view are so far left that they don't support either Democrats or Republicans? For example, there are a lot of people, especially young people, who believe that we are doomed if we don't make drastic changes to combat climate change. They think that no other issues matter and neither Democrats nor Republicans come close to addressing the issue sufficiently. Why should they "get in line" when there is no party to line up behind? Regardless of what MB thinks, the Democrats are not entitled to those votes. Everybody's vote is their own and no party is entitled to it.
  10. I have never understood why people (even reasonable ones) keep insisting that Trump is smart. At no point in his life has he ever demostrated any intellect whatsoever.
  11. Slotkin sounded very good and someone that could unite us. It will be interesting to see how MAGA shreds her.
  12. To be fair, Europe has been behind us in the rcovery from the 2020 economic crisis. They could be on a different cycle of the recovery.
  13. If Meadows and Vierling miss significant time, I don't think we'll be seeing much offensive pep when they head north.
  14. Trump, Musk, Stephen Miller
  15. To give the countries a chance to give in to his demands and allow him to openly humiliate them.
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