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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Cognitively impaired...But he's got that working man's Queen's accent that he has cultivated over the years. That makes everything he says believable to MAGA.
  2. I expect Cobb to have very limited innings given his history. I'm really glad they added Flaherty as there will be injuries.
  3. The guy who controls the government right now probably gets more funding that any individual in the coutntry. No conflict of inerest there. Right?
  4. I've been there for a few months and there has been no visible pick up at all.
  5. Just tell all the stores to lower their prices.
  6. I'd like to leave on principle, but I don't see a viable replacement anwhere.
  7. skybridge works to an extent.
  8. Any time I post something on BlueSky, I might get one response from Edman and that's about it. There is very little baseball conversation there. If I want breaking news or rumors, it won't be on BlueSky.
  9. I agree that Bluesky is not good for sports news, baseball in particular. Most of the people I follow are over there, but they don't use it much. They are still on Twitter, probably because they have built a strong following there. Baseball is what I'm looking for in social media, so I still use Twitter more.
  10. This is the single dumbest thing any President has ever said in public. It's historic and it will never be beaten by anyone else. Don't even try.
  11. What I mean is I am more comfotable with data steps than proc sql. I can do anything in a data step pretty easily. I have to think more when I do Proc SQL, although there are definitely things that are easier to do in SQL and it's more efficient in terms of processing time.
  12. Being responsible for a particular office does not mean you can do unconstitutional things within the office.
  13. He's doing lots of illegal stuff rather than working with Congress as he is supposed to. Every President in his history would get a lot more done quickly if they acted like dictators. That's a really dumb thing to praise him for.
  14. Yup, I am not really a SQL programmer, but I frequetly use it in SAS.
  15. Oh, the pennies and straws didn't get hammered. Good job Donny!
  16. I have shared SAS/SQL code back and forth with programmers in government (mostly CDC). They use SQL and they have pretty sophisticated programmers.
  17. That's because he is using Turkey as a template for the United States.
  18. Yes, and when MAGAs say that Trump is just trying to fix the economy, what they don't realize is it's not them he's "fixing" it for.
  19. He definitely makes a lot of contact. The question is whether players who make contact age better that those who don't. If I had a lot of free time like I used to, I'd be all over that study.
  20. What difference does it make? The point is we have laws in this country and they apply to everyone.
  21. Very well articulated.
  22. I like politicians that get caught, but keep doing it anyway.
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