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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Correct, The moderates who either didn't vote or switched to Trump because Harris is too woke are the ones we need to vote in the future.
  2. $14 was about what he was worth last year.
  3. Check your social security account frequently.
  4. I was referring to Bregman. I am lukewarn on Paredes and see a Carpenter for Paredes trade as a sideways move.
  5. They don't really have anyone whose best position is third base. They have players who can play third base, but they are more valuable for their versatility than their ability to play third base.
  6. They can talk about what it's like to attempt a coup against the United States of America
  7. Sadly, I am rooting for Canada here. I love our country and Trump is a much bigger threat to our country than Canada. I have never felt that way about any president. Not even close.
  8. He apparently made a statement saying he would rather die than play for a foreign county. I think it was a political statement rather than a baseball statement though.
  9. Can't buy much with $5 anymore!
  10. They did something like that in Massachusetts state government once. The only people who accepted were those who were planning on leaving anyway.
  11. That is well said and I agree with much of it. I like what Harris has done so far in his time with the Tigers and I trust him not to do anything stupid. I don't know what Harris thinks about their chances next year, so I am not disageeing with him. I personally think they can win this year in a very winnable division and I do think a couple of significant moves could make a difference. I am also not convinced that waiting two more years will put them in better positon. Maybe they'll add a couple of good position players from their system by then. But there is also a likelihood that Skubal will be gone and that Greene will be getting really expensive which might force a trade. There is no magical point in the future where you can be sure is the right time. Go for it now and go for it in the future too.
  12. Interesting thought, but I don't really see the connection between the two. There are no doubt many dumb whites who think they are superior to the smartest blacks. There is also no question that the wealthy and powerful spend a great deal of time and energy trying tp pick the pockets of stupid people, but I don't know that one causes the other.
  13. Keith probably could have done that. I'm not upset that they signed Torres. It was a surprisingly good contract for the Tigers and he has offensive upside. It was just odd because he doesn't seem like a great fit defensively. He not a good fielder, not versatile, not even willing to move to change positions. It seems to me like he was a good value, so they decided to jam him into the roster somehow.
  14. The average batting average in MLB was .243 The average OBP was .312. So, your list had two players way above that and several players around average.
  15. I get the feeling Chris wouldn't know who Torres was. It's not like he is a big name. my hope is that Harris sees something in him where he thinks they can get him back to the level he was in his good years. If they can do that, he can either give them a really good year in a playoff run or a half season before flipping him at the deadline. I am kind of done with flipping players at the deadline though even if it worked out last year.
  16. I like the Catholic concept of Heaven and purgatory where your supposed reward upon death is contingent on being a good person during your life. On the other hand, in some Protestant religions it seems that you can be a bad person your whole life but still go to heaven if your accept Jesus into your life. That seems self serving.
  17. I think Harris will need to take risks at some point during his tenure with the Tigers. It's pretty rare for a team to have long-term success solely based on their own products. The perfect contract for the perfect free agent is never going to happen.
  18. You guys are being too hard on Trump. His feelings are hurt because The Fed didn't obey his order to lower interest rates. Now, this stupid plane crash is making him look bad. It's a tough time for him.
  19. I hope I am still alive to tell them about it.
  20. Of course he is as is every other GM in baseball.
  21. If you read the MTF constituton, you will see a clause stating that we are allowed to publicly question Biff. Everyone else is off limits. Publicly questioning Bert is an immediate ban. Other penalties vary according to the seriousness of the offense.
  22. Carpenter (160 wrc+) and Greene (135 wrc+) were way above average last year. They probably won't get him, but Bregman was 118. Meadows was 111 Fangraphs project 112+ for both Keith and Torres next year. They need steps forward, but not massive ones (other than signing Bregman). Of course, healthy pitching is always a wildcard.
  23. No, it's not and that is creepy.
  24. Trump treats everythng as a game. He is a complete embarrassment. Always has been. Always will be.
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