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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Right, Suzuki is a definite Hall of Famer, but not being unanimous is not some big injustice. Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Ty Cobb, Joe Dimaggio, Mickey Mantle, Stan Musial and Ken Griffey Jr were all outfielders and were not unanimous. He is not in that class.
  2. I doubt it. I believe the Tigers have plenty of payrol space to get both. I thInk it's a matter of whether someone is the right fit and also comes at the right price.
  3. LOL, healthcare of all things to be promoting. Our healthcare system sucks compared to other developed countries including Canada.
  4. He gets love from the saber community and the modern baseball writers. They almost universally think he belongs. I don't know how many of those types will have influence.
  5. I think Evans is comparable to Whitaker. They both belong. Whitaker will have some stiff competition just making the final 8. Whitaker, to me, is clearly a Hall of Famer but he is going to need someone to push him through and I don't know if that's ever going to happen. Maybe Trammell will have some influence some day, but he doesn't sem like a pushy guy himself.
  6. Correct, but as you know, Baines is a lot worse than Jack Morris. He was a solid player with longevity, but he has no Hall of Fame credentials at all. That one was a real head scratcher. Morris, at least, was a top 10 pitcher in WAR 5 times, Cy Young votes 7 times and complete games 10 times. He was also the best pitcher on some championship teams. He just wasn't elite. Baines was never close to being in the top ten players. Probably not even the top 20.
  7. That is what I assumed for a long time, but career path studies have shown that the average pitcher declines faster than the average hitter. This might be explained by your second point that pitchers are more likely to get injured. At any rate, I would bet that the confidence interval around career paths for pitchers is a lot wider. Pitchers may decline faster, but it is possible for them to avoid decline by getting wiser with age. There is not much a hitter can do once they lose their ability to react.
  8. I fear a Tampa situation in Detroit. They have had a decent amount of success, but most teams who try it don't do well. It's also not so much fun as a fan seeing a constantly change their roster with every good player traded away when he starts to get expensive.
  9. I don't think anyone here wants them to sign someone just so SOMETHING will happen. Some may think that Fetter was able to fix him and can get more good years out of him.
  10. He might not be a Nazi, but he supports a Nazi regime in Germany. Trump might not be a White supremacist, but he supports them. The distintinction between being and supporting is not that that big.
  11. Makes him feel like one of the bros. Not woke.
  12. yes, he was and sabathia was better than Morris too. I see Schiling as a slam dunk, Sabathia as just barely in and Morris as lucky to be in.
  13. He was way better than Morris.
  14. I agree. His video game business was viewed as shady too, but nothing was every proven and nobody has ever been left out due to white collar stuff anyway.
  15. I think you are probably right. They might threaten to cut all NIH funding, but I imagine hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs wouldn't look great for Trump. Any research of Bird flu or Covid or anything else that will interfere with Trump's presidency will be stopped. Research not viewed as a threat to Trump might be allowed to proceed.
  16. Schilling is a turd,but he belongs for baseball reasons. He is a slam dunk, although some probably kept him out due to the character clause.
  17. They had simlilar peaks, but Sabathia had more good years and a lot more innings. Both were close for me, but Sabathia made my cut and Hernandez didn't. I would probably put Pettitte in over Hernandez too.
  18. Like Stretch Cunnngham over Limping Elmo! Make America White Again. It's what MAGA was about all along.
  19. Like Stretch Cunnngham over Limping Elmo! Make America White Again. It's what MAGA was about all along.
  20. Like Stretch Cunnngham over Limping Elmo! Make America White Again. It's what MAGA was about all along.
  21. What sucks is that organizations where I could get a similar job would also tank. I would guess you are in a similar situation. I could probably find some programming job in industry eventually, but I don't really know.
  22. Yeah, This is what I was afraid of personally. I assume it would ultimately lead to me losing my job if it lasts.
  23. We know that Trump hates disabled people so it's not surprising.
  24. antisemitism today, racism tomorrow. It's scary how acceptable those things are to you guys now.
  25. He's got all the money though. He can do what he wants.
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