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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. LOL at Jim jordan questioning the honesty of everyone.
  2. I think some of them understand nuance and scientific thought, but it's of no use to them.
  3. I am in the outer western suburbs, but I think maybe I just have a speech defect that sounds kind of like a Bodton accent. They used to send me to a speech teacher to practice pronouncing R's but it did't work. 😀
  4. Don't worry. Buddha has assured us that MLB's relationship with gambling is nothing to be concerned about.
  5. Scientists are not supposed to report their own opinion. Their job is to throroughly look at all the evidence and make conclusions based on that. A scientist reporting his own opinion would give the appearance that his research was biased and make it difficult to trust him. It's not his job to state personal opinions.
  6. Merck doesn't want you to know the real truth about Ivermectin.
  7. I don't think it was that. I think Trump got mad because Obama roasted him at a big function in front of lots of important people. Thus, he needed to reject everything he did.
  8. I got more sleep! As I have said before, I don't really care how long games last. It's the pace of the game that matters. There has been too much dead time for years.
  9. I agree with that part and I addresed it elsewhere.
  10. You are correct that any potential leaks must be considered in ongoing germ warfare and I think think the most likely have been regardless of whether or not there was a leak this time. Most of the people who were talking about the leak were not talking about it in that vein though. They were using it to be promote the idea that Democrats and China were working together to destroy Trump or to justify their hatred of Asians. It was all nonsense. I didn't see anyone saying we needed to work together as a country to prevent future leaks (whether one happened in this case or not).
  11. I wonder what people in the 60s and 70s did when games were shorter.
  12. I was never part of that debate, but I never understood why it mattered how the virus originated in terms of managing the virus. Regardless of where it originated, you stll have to deal with it as best you can. Instead, we spent a couple years politicizing it.
  13. It is better having Baez than not this year and probably next year. However, since he no longer plays plus defense he'll become a liability if he loses any of his offense which could happen fast over age 30.
  14. Which is too much for most families. I don't really care since I don't go to a lot MLB games. I am a tv/radio fan. If I go to a game,it is usually a minor league game. I don't see how most families can reasonably afford to go to more than a game or two a year.
  15. As in the theatah and the Ahts?
  16. Apparently, they are not against it. It was just a theory. Now, they can have bets on which pitchers/batters will receive pitch clock violations!
  17. Big corporations heavily influence everything that is done in sports, so I would think that gambling companies that partner with baseball would have a lot infulence. I would BET that they ran this by them before they made the decision. Gambling in sports is no joke and I don't think anything good will come out of it. They have most likely already contributed to serious addiction problems.
  18. Thanks. No matter how it's spelled though it's still pronouned theatah
  19. Is there anything in politics which is not theatre?
  20. I saw some clips too and I like it! I am generally against a lot of tinkering with baseball, but this is a rule change which I think makes the game better. It brings us back to a time when the game was a lot faster paced(without a clock).
  21. Wow, that was maybe the most disturbing gun video I've seen on the internet. There has been some really bad stuff, but usually it happens so fast it's hard to tell what's happening. Either that or it's just so crazy and impersonal that it's surreal.
  22. I just want to know how high Victor Reyes was ranked.
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