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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. No, I think there are lot of people who didn't lke either candidate. They are struggling financially, so they voted for the other party hoping for something better. In normal circumstances, I think that is fine. I am disappointed that Americans don't understand what a horrible person Trump is and always has been. I get why you don't lke Harris. I get why you don't like liberals. Your jerking off to Trump is pretty embarrassing though especially since you know better.
  2. Thank you for you service. Why are you supporting an Un-American creep like Trump? It seems contradictory.
  3. The Trump crowd has been dropping random Nazi salutes for years. Some of them have gone beyond that. This includes Trump himself especially in his tweets or at least someone he has hired to pretend to be him. Then they cowardly pretend it didn't really happen. Make no mistake about it, they do it deliberately. Whether they do it because they support Naziism or they are just trolling people or trying to court the nazi vote, it is clearly deliberate and absolutely disgusting and indefensible regardless of their reasons for doing go.
  4. 5 years for a one dimensional player who I suspect won't age well. He was never a good fit for the Tigers even short term so this does not disappoint me.
  5. He is protecting people from a vicious mob boss who wants revenge against those who don't kiss his ass.
  6. I don't even care about Hunter. None of them have any affect on our lives whatsoever. I only care about family members of presidents if they have been given positions where they have an influence on American people. Frankly, I barely even care about Joe Biden anymore. He's done. My focus is on the turd who you currently call your president.
  7. I don't even know any of those people! I thought you were talking abut Fauci, etc.
  8. Thank you for your service. However, you are making a mistake supporting a draft dodging mob boss who openly disrespects military members, the constitution, our laws and ideals and even disrespects those who support him.
  9. He pardoned those who he knows will be unnfairly targeted for not bowing down to the mob boss.
  10. I am pretty sure his quality of life sucks. In fact, I would bet that he has never liked himself or was comfortable with his life.
  11. The same people who always win.
  12. Sounds like socialism!
  13. It's reported that he might take a short-term deal, presumably to prove he's for real and get a bigger deal next year. If that's the case, what beter place to prove himself than the combination of Comerica and Fetter?
  14. Americans such as me don't like either party because they are both self serving and put party before country. They are not equal. The GOP is now worse, but there is nobody I can really get behind. I just go with the one which sucks less.
  15. We also have: (1) coup attempt (2) traitor who supported the enemy during the war (3) lifetime sexual predator. That's just the highlights.
  16. Biggest embarrasssment in the history of the country and that's not a political statement.
  17. The court system was way to nice to him. The whiny rich boy cry baby criminal deserved a much worse fate, but the system is designed to protect the wealthy and powerful. In fact, the whole country is being way to nice to him, even some of the liberals. It's a disgrace that this disgusting piece of trash has been normalized. It's a symbol of who we are as a country I guess.
  18. The policies and outcomes of the Tigers do matter to me!😃
  19. I don't know what the troll is about, but why do you guys think it's a good thing that your president elect is trolling people? That seems like the last thing a real President should be doing to the country he is supposedly representing and leading.
  20. I don't think they will score a lot of runs as the team stands now. If things go reasonably well, I think they will have an average offense. Their infield defense is a big problem. I do believe believe they have a top 10 starting rotation and Hinch knows how to work the bullpen, but you never know about pitching health. I'd love to see them add Flaherty or Pivetta.
  21. just wanted to make sure. It is important to insult people correctly
  22. Zimmer hated Bill Lee. It was not a happy clubhouse. By the way, it was gerbil, not chipmunk.
  23. He had good on base skills! https://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=boras-001sco
  24. The first time I saw him was on TV in a Spring training game against the Red Sox. I had seen his name in the TSN stats before, but knew nothing about him. The results were not great in this game, but he certainly captured my attention with his curly hair and mannerisms. My father said he reminded him of Bill Lee. We both liked that he was from Northboro, MA.
  25. That magical year in 1976 will never be repeated again. You had to be there to understand it. It was the most exciting individual Tigers season since I've been a fan. More fun than Cabrera's Triple Crown year or Verlander's Cy Young/MVP season, Fielder's 50 homer season or any other season.
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