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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Spring training stats mean practically nothing, but when you've got injuries and a non-roster invite has a big spring, they might take on some meaning.
  2. Yeah, it's not a big deal in Ahlington.
  3. Yeah, civil discourse is getting more difficult in general for sure.
  4. My problem was with Romad suggesting we shouldn't have any MAGA posting on the Tigers board.
  5. That is a legitimate reason to be upset at the individual, but I am not on board with shunning every MAGA in the baseball forum. This site is primarily male sports fans from the midwest. It is likely loaded with MAGA.
  6. Why is that a problem? Are MAGAs not allowed to talk baseball with us?
  7. The billonaires are right. There will be pain and it will get better. We'll feel the pain and it will get better for them.
  8. The left created the term DEI. MAGA doesn't even know what it means. It just sounds like a good insult. They get to berate those ******** and those stupid pompous liberals at the same time.
  9. I remember seeing Manning pitch in the minors a few times. He never impressed me. I don't have any scouting skills, but he didn't stand out the way guys like Verlander and Porcello did and his gun readings were always less than I expected. When he came to the Majors, he couldn't strike anybody out. I just never got really excited about him.
  10. Baseball Prospectus Rankings Jobe 4 McGonigle 6 Clark 31 Rainer 56 Liranzo 58 Briceno 64 Jung 97
  11. He did bring back plastic straws though.
  12. This has been building up for a long time even before Trump won in 2016. It wasn't called DEI until recently, but it's been around a long time. It is why Trump has been running racist campaigns since 2015. What is now called "woke" used to be called "political correctness" This is not something that Trump invented. It's something of which he took advantage. And ,to be clear, the left is mostly right on these issues, but their messaging has not been good.
  13. No, they don't care...like every big business! I think they do care about losing a years worth of big money though.
  14. With all the money in the game now, for both owners and players, it's hard to believe they would give all that up
  15. Yup, it's been around for a long time at Brandeis. Brandeis has always been based on social justice
  16. The Tigers have an option for 2026 in the Urquidy deal, so he could be valuable next year afer Cobb, Maeda and Flaherty leave.
  17. I have not noticed any positive or negative effect from these progams, but that might be because where I work, they are preaching to the converted.
  18. Studying something where we already know the answer is not efficient. But, I am just an analyst. Give me some data and I'll crunch the numbers!
  19. LOL, Try to get to know posters a little bit before you post. It makes the forums work better. The people who want diversity, equity and inclusion are definitely the good guys. The problem is if you get too preachy about it, you end up pissing people off and we go backwards instead of forward and we are most certainly going backwards now.
  20. I thought it was the Swedish.
  21. It shouldn't. He'll still be a piece of trash regardless.
  22. I don't doubt it. I have lost a great deal of faith in our country the last several years. he might as well make the nobel prize worthless too.
  23. I think that, in general, a fairly substantial number of voters got tired of hearing about DEI being shoved down their throats all over the place and that got tied to politicians, deservedly so or not. Even a dummy like Trump was able to see that and he jumped on it running campaigns around racism for 12 years. There was a chance for a politician on the other side to counter that with some kind of intelligent nuanced view on DEI, but all they did was add to the problem by hammering Trump and his followers for his bigotry. That didn't help.
  24. I explained myself in my next post. I am here mostly to vent. I prefer to save this kind of he said she said stuff for the baseball forums!
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