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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. The Detroit name means nothing to me. If they moved to Oregon and became the Portland Tigers, I would still be a fan. You guys can root for the Detroit Wheels expansion team.
  2. You are right. He didn't call it a hoax. He said something to the effect that Democrat's ctitique of his management of the pandemic was a hoax. He was rambling to his fans and wanted to use the word hoax because his people love it when he uses that word. So, he just threw it in there nonsensically, because he's an idiot.
  3. I can't go off memory. I remember pretty much everything...but can't remember the year it happened.
  4. I think a lot of positive things that happen in the country are due to the "deep state". The government is our largest employer. Just like any large organization, there are many good employees and some bad employees. The people at the top get all the credit, but it's usually some unknown people that do most of the work.
  5. Mlicki was their ace in 1999 which said more about the rest of their staff than it did about him.
  6. That chart is usually included to show that Republicans spend a ton of money too, just like Democrats. I don't remember it being used to show which party is better at the economy.
  7. I agree it was dishonest and stupid to say that Trump killed x number of people. There is plenty enough to blame on Trump without adding that hyperbole.
  8. Moral obligation. 😀
  9. No, I don't think Obama developed anything. No president does. I think Obama actually read reports about Obamacare and knew more about the process than Trump does. I know a lot of people think Trump is a secret genius who just acts dumb, but I believe Trump is truly ignorant and shallow. His skills are manipulation and self promotion.
  10. Yes, we are going to have to learn to live with it. The best thing they can do is continue to give us honest guidance on what we should be doing. They should be clear and aggressive about recommendations, but mandates are not necessary and shutdowns should not come back again.
  11. I think stuff like that is done by people we don't hear about. Trump's role was okaying tax dollars.
  12. The Trump administration Okayed the use of our tax dollars to help speed up the processes. I think any president would have done that, but yeah It was the right thing to do.
  13. What specifically has Biden done wrong which is causing deaths and prolonging the pandemic? I would blame Trump for not taking the pandemic seriously and creating an environment where conspiracy theorists inculding politicians and major media are spreading lies about the nature of Covid and the vaccine. There is no way to estimate how much damage that may have caused, but he was incredibly irresponsible.
  14. So, Gardenhire was not an option?
  15. Imagine belonging to a club where everybody supports Trump no matter what.
  16. How could you forget that grin?
  17. Unless you're Trump. He could do anything he weanted and nobody would care. There would be something new the next day.
  18. Nothing terrible. He is just an uninspirational vanilla politician who has gotten too old. With 330,000,000 million people there should be Obamas running every year. Politicians are so awful.
  19. 330 million people in America and we can't find someone better than psycho Trump and sleepy Joe?
  20. 80s is probably too old but when the opponent is nut job Trump why do any personal characteristics even matter? He still isn't Donald Trump and that is always going to be a factor as long as that dbag is on the ballot. He still isn't a crazy democrat, although he might be seen that way because of inflation (not his fault) and COVID mananagement.
  21. That and he gets the additional benefit of constant attention.
  22. Barring a major health problem, I think the chances are very high that he'll run again. Talking about his not running because he is too old doesn't make any sense when the opponent is Trump. He seems to be more physically healthy than Trump. Are we comparing them on cognitive abilities? 😃
  23. I have never understood the appeal of Oprah Winfrey. I understand what she now represents, but I don't get how she became so popular.
  24. I think Trump is the current favorite. That is really sad and makes our country look weak, but who is going to beat him? Trump would clearly get the Republican nomination at this point. If we still have high inflation (not Biden's fault at all) and the Covid situation is viewed as poorly managed (you can fairly blame Biden for some of that), the Democrats are in trouble. Fortunately, a lot can change befolre the 2024 election.
  25. That is actually how I did it too, but Oblong's way is more straighforward. It is the same kind of thinking, but it's easier to do addition than subtraction.
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