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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. I have more confidence in Malloy as a hitter than Carlson. Hays is more interesting, but he'd probably want to sign as a full-time player.
  2. Possibly, but it doesn't really help them offensively. Mixing and matching Vierling and Malloy into the line-up seems just as good.
  3. That was going to be my answer too. I will add that telling someone who is scared not to be scared would not be the best answer. If someone is scared, you help them in the moment.
  4. Trump has publicly bragged about walking through beauty pageant restrooms while young women were in there. He said it was OK because he owned the pageant. So, the threat of him going into a woman's restroom seems legitimate.
  5. I just know that he goes grocery shopping and shows his ID every time.
  6. Fauci has done more for humanity in his career than all the Congresspeople put together.
  7. I heard Ramyswamy talking about that. I don't think it was a serious suggestion though. It will more likely be based on their political leanings. Whatever they do will be a ****show with lawsuits all over the place.
  8. Trump's views on trans people in 2016: He actually sounds coherent there. He's always been awful, but he has gone way down hill.
  9. The left also wants to work, make a living and not have their kids go to war. They want everyone else to also have those same opportunities.
  10. The bolded part could definitely explain part of it. As Gehringer said, it could have been line-up construction. Perhaps, he felt a need to swing more because the guys hitting around him were not going to drive runners home.
  11. yeah, I could see that too.
  12. What jumps out is his walk rate was cut in half. That seems like something that he could reverse. However, it's also pretty rare and I'd like to know the resons behind it.
  13. How about programs for kids with good technical and vocational skills? Or programs for studens who could do well in the arts and sciences if they wanted, but they are more motivated in other areas?
  14. That sounds good at first glance, but wouldn't that give an unfair to students living in wealthy states which are typically more blue than red? It seems like letting states spend money as they please will just widen the divisions between haves and have nots.
  15. Bohm had one really good half season offensively and doesn't offer much defensively. He's the kind of guy where if you have him you really try to figure out how to repeat his 2024 first half in the future, but I wouldn't give up alot to get him.
  16. Bregman's OPS drop in 2024 was totally due to a big drop in BB% associated with an increase in swing rate. His other numbers including k%, ISO and hard hit% remained stable. The question which should be asked is why was he swinging so much in 2024? That seems like something that can be fixed Bregman had elite plate disclipline skills from 2018-2023 resulting in the best BB/K rate in the majors during that period. He had more walks than strikeouts four times. He can field too. He seems like exactly the kind of player Harris and Hinch are talking about all the time. I do understand people's concerns about age and contract length.
  17. On the positive side, most of them will be fired within a year and they'll be mocked and humiliated by Trump.
  18. It originated with Heyman, so it's not reliable. It does makes sense though. I don't really expect them to sign an expensive FA, but if they do, I think it would be Bregman. He is a great fit and has a connection to Hinch.
  19. In the modern world, whoever has the most money determines the "truth".
  20. There are 330 million people in this country who can't even come close to agreeing on what's true and what isn't. I even hear a lot of people saying that the truth doesn't matter to them. I can't listen to 330 million people and a lot of them are not worth listening to. I weed them out. I like to hear views different from my own, but I don't need to hear lies and bull****. So, I weed those people out.
  21. Nothing really. Having my head up my ass would not be so good though.
  22. I assumed you were responding to my post and you were telling me that I lived in a bubble and had my head up my ass. I try to be kind, but don't respond kindly to stuff like that. I think we all live in bubbles to some extent. We all have different experiences and and learn things in different ways.
  23. So, you know everything there is to know in the world? All I was doing was questioning Del. He made some good points in reponse. If you were referring to me blocking Musk and Trump, I'm sorry but Trump is an idiot and a fraud, no need to hear anymore from him. Musk may be smart, but he was saying stupid stuff on Twitter so I blocked him.
  24. That is because his whole life has been about accumulating wealth and he is not a good businessman.
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