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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. There was no covid-19 five years ago, so that is irrelevant to this dicussion.
  2. Sure they do. People that work at places where vaccines and testing are required get tested all the time.
  3. It wouldn't be a shock if most of the cases were for the vaccinated for a combinatiom of reasons. (1) Most people in Germany are vaccinated. (2) The people who get tested are the same people who get the vaccine. The antivaxers don't bother getting tested unless they get really sick. The key numbers are hospitalizations and deaths for vaccinated versus unvaccinated adjusted for percent vaccinated.
  4. He's got more money than your average boomer which makes it easy for him to retire. My original post said he might have quit due to fear of Covid/tedium of Covid restrictions. Maybe he figures he has a year left in the tank and doesn't feel like dealing with Covid tests, masks, teammates arguing about vaccines, etc. Or with all the conflicting information out there about Covid, maybe he is scared for himself or his family. I just know a lot of people have been leaving the workforce the last couple of years and it's odd to see a 2.5 WAR player retire.
  5. There is a worker shortage in the country and I think a lot of it is because boomers with money saved up who had been hanging onto their jobs to squeeze out some more wealth. Then Covid hit and they decided it wasn't worth it anymore and they wanted to do something else. I can see wealthy players doing the same thing. If a young player quit because of Covid before he accumulated wealth that would be surprising.
  6. Did he show up on the WND list yet?
  7. I don't think that's known yet.
  8. I agree it might be a good result if the Omicron variant infects a lot of people. It might solve a lot of problems. However, I would not want to get it deliberately or have my family get it. what if you try to get omicron and then get one of the other variants instead and get really sick? What if you have long-term side effects? What if getting infected with Omicron does not protect you from future infections? As for Chicken Pox. Those that got chicken pox like me (not on purpose) are more susceptible to Shingles later in life. I have known people who got it and suffered with it for months. Fortunately, there is now a vaccine. I understand that herd immunity can sometimes be a good thing if a virus is mild, but I would never deliberately get myself or a family member sick. I'd rather not get sick. It doesn't mean shut everything down or withdraw from society, but I prefer taking some reasonable precautions.
  9. Since your job is so tough and you think you're smarter and more knowledgeable than everyone else, why not find a better job?
  10. I guess being a moron never goes out of style.
  11. Ever since Trump recommended the vaccine, I have seen a lot fewer vaccine conspiracy theories on Facebook. They have moved on to "Biden is a communist" and "Chinese spies sleeping with Democrats".
  12. Covid is leading to earlier retirements in many industrires. When you have as much money as Seager does, the fear of Covid or the tedium of Covid restrictions might lead you to want to spend more time at home with family. Posey retired after a 3.5 WAR season, but that might have more to do with getting beat up at the catcher position for so many years.
  13. I made more money in the market this year than any other year with my usual mostly passive investing. The problem is it's mostly retirement money which I can't spend yet so it doesn't feel real. I'm expecting a big crash right as I retire!
  14. Baseball has always appealed to older audiences. It's not an exciting sport for young people to watch. I think the future of the game is gambling.
  15. I didn't need it. The knee surgery barely hurt. The broken arm hurt, but I just took some ibuprofen.
  16. Baez's average annual salary is 23 million. I doubt Correa will make 46 million. He'll probably make between 30-35 million and he'll be worth it if he stays healthy. He'll get more years because he is younger. Ten years is a lot though. I am happy with Baez.
  17. The Omicron variant doesn't cause loss of smell and taste, so it may be that. Whatever you have, I hope you get completely better quickly.
  18. I thought it was insane. I was tracking all the data for my job and seeing ridiculous increases in opiate use and I suspected it wouldn't end well. I had doctors offer me opiates on two occasions - once for a broken arm and once after minor knee surgery. I refused both times. They wanted to know why I refused. I said it was because I was tracking the data and didn't like the trends I was seeing. I didn't want to end up in my database!
  19. These are the OPS+ numbers for Correa and Baez Year Correa Baez 2016 124 94 2017 155 102 2018 99 129 2019 137 115 2020 93 59 2021 131 117 Correa has been a significantly better hitter each year except 2018. Baez has been more durable and comes a lot cheaper, but you can't honestly argue that he has been a better hitter.
  20. Which means he's not.
  21. You can select by year and handedness on the link I posted.
  22. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast-park-factors?type=year&year=2019&batSide=&stat=index_wOBA&condition=All&rolling=&sort=12&sortDir=desc
  23. I was about to mention that Comerica is not a flyball grave yard, but I just looked up the numbers and noticed that home run factors have been way down the last two years after being about average for most of the park's history. Is it a fluke or has something changed?
  24. One of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made. I worked with some very connected people who knew it was a mistake at the time. One of them said this is going to be the biggest drug epidemic we have ever seen. He was a non-stop talker and some thought he was just blowing off steam, but he was prescient.
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