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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. One of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made. I worked with some very connected people who knew it was a mistake at the time. One of them said this is going to be the biggest drug epidemic we have ever seen. He was a non-stop talker and some thought he was just blowing off steam, but he was prescient.
  2. It is old. These numbers pertain to the original strain of Covid-19 and maybe the numbers for the variants are different. At any rate, it does support the conclusion that Covid is way worst than the flu for almost all age groups except under 15.
  3. The Bill James Historical Abstract
  4. Yes, I should have said theoretically they can't.
  5. Maybe, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't This discussion reminds me of George Carlin's bit on the 10 commandments.
  6. True, but I don't think it's quite the same thing. Religious people really have no choice in their morals as they have already been established. People who are not religious are free to develop their own set of morals. These morals may have been drilled into them, but they are more free to think about them critically. This may or may not produce a better society but I prefer this concept as the basis for a country.
  7. As someone who travels a lot to red rural areas of New Hampshire, I feel safer in those areas than I do in the big cities which I try to avoid.
  8. The Tigers got their catcher, shortstop and starting pitcher and didn't spend like a drunken sailor just as Avila promised. I don't expect any other major acquisitions, but there may be a couple of interesting pieces added.
  9. Some interesting stats on Covid versus flu: https://freopp.org/comparing-the-risk-of-death-from-covid-19-vs-influenza-by-age-d33a1c76c198 Perhaps, schools should have been left open, but restrictions for adults seem appropriate. Of course, closing schools might have been the reason for lower numbers.
  10. Right there is the basis of our laws and society!
  11. Old laws that used to discriminate against groups such as women and gays, two groups that have been marginalized by religion, have been altered on a non-religious basis.
  12. Excluding them from due consideration in the establishment of laws.
  13. I see religion as excluding a large segment of the population.
  14. No one thing, but kindness is at the top of the list. You can't pretend to be a country of liberty and freedom if laws require belief in God or a particular religion.
  15. Commandments 5-10 are pretty universal. Commandments 1-4 require that everyone belives in God which I think is unreasonable.
  16. Correa is way ahead of Baez in OBP. Baez has hit for a little more power and has stayed healthy. I'd rather have Correa for the next few years, but maybe not ten years. I am happy with Baez.
  17. So glad we don't have to listen that idiot every day now.
  18. I feel bad for those wealthy Magas who got out of the market because socialist Biden was going to send us into a depression. Nah, not really.
  19. I think the Seager 10/325 contract is probably the gold standard for this winter. Correa will probably get at least that. Most of the big money teams didn't do much before the lock out.
  20. It wouldn't sway the hardcore nut jobs of which there are many, but it might affect some of the passive Republicans who are just going along with the anti-vaxers because of politics.
  21. This site is just a few months old, so the ignore function is unproven. I heard on a podcast that the ignore function infects compurers with malware. I am not going to let the government or anyone else tell me when I should use ignore.
  22. Morality rates? Let's keep religion out of this discussion.
  23. Alex Jones got beat up by his wife: https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2021/12/25/alex-jones-wife-arrested-domestic-violence-charge/9017411002/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1640471151
  24. It shouldn't and it isn't.
  25. When I read your posts all I see is "trash".
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