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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. That sounds like a great nickname. I am just not sure whether it best applies to the cult leader or his followers.
  2. You rarely present links with credible evidence and when you do you interpret it incorrectly. I will continue to ignore or mock links to right wing extremist fraud sites, but I have not called for your banning. I don't give up on people very easily.
  3. He hasn't found a site with that bullet point yet.
  4. It hasn't stayed the same. It's going up slowly. It was 57% in October, 62% now. https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/
  5. 62% = fully vaccinated. 74% = one or more doses. Now, you can answer Mr Cowan's question.
  6. If you can't see the problem, it is impossible to continue this discussion.
  7. On that note, I am heading to my sister's house for Christmas Eve dinner. Merry Christmas to everyone. Fox too!
  8. Weak comeback. You screwed up. Be a man. Admit it. Otherwise, your post makes no sense. I'll let you choose.
  9. 300,000 to 600,000 annually is in the world, not just the United States. The second article says 12,000-50,000 in the US annually like chasfh said. but at least your sources are getting better. You just need to read them more carefully next time. Baby steps.
  10. I think it's great that smoking is banned in public and private places. Smoking is very annoying and second hand smoke is dangerous to my health. Your right to smoke does not supersede my right to clean air. I think you are being deliberately dense as a right wing deflection, but I am saying that people who get AIDS tend to be sexually promiscuous. Gays that practice safe sex don't get AIDS and are no threat to your health. As a libertarian, you should have no problem with their lifestyle.
  11. That is your first piece of good advice yet.
  12. Smoking is banned in most public spaces now which has been one of best developments of my lifetime. Good thing the Libertarians were defeated there. I still don't see why you listed gays as a separate group. Do you have a problem with gays? If you are concerned about AIDS, then sexually promiscuous individuals covers that.
  13. New cases are going way up, but so far death rate has not changed much. If the death rate stays steady despite a rapid increase of new cases, I would view that as a positive.
  14. Smokers, heavy drinkers and sexually promiscuous individuals have a similar responsibility, except they are not all getting sick at the same time like in a pandemic. I am not sure why you singled out homosexuals since you are supposedly a Libertarian who wants people to live their lives as they choose.
  15. Sure, if they do not interfere with someone elses freedom, it's fine. However, since there aren't many things that you can do which don't effect anyone else, that severely limits the Libertarian fantasy.
  16. Keeping yourself out of the hospital is perhaps biggest social responsibility pertaining to the pandemic. If the hospital gets filled to capacity, that creates all kinds of problems for everybody. Wasn't that the main reason for the shut downs in 2020?
  17. Don't forget the Clinton death count.
  18. You chose to ignore the 388,000 Americans who were killed by the vaccine
  19. Imagine being Fox and thinking that Gehringer needs to catch up to you. "You can't make this stuff up".
  20. Another common right wing reactionary distraction technique: Post 100 articles from right wing sites and one from PBS (which doesn't say what you think it says) and then say look, that's that's not a right wing site! I've seen it over and over. You aren't offering anything here we haven't seen before. Don't lecture us on logical fallacies. Everybody here can kick your ass in logic.
  21. Fox, why are you posting endless links to right wing conspiracy theory sites? Do you really think anyone here is going to be swayed by that BS? Most people here follow these issues closely and have already heard this BS elsewhere. Most of the early the articles you posted (I've stopped reading them) are incredibly immature and poorly researched and no intelligent person is going to take them seriously. This is not your Facebook page.
  22. I made no false accusations or lies. Don't take yourself so seriously. Oh, I forgot. You're a Libertarian. That's what you do! 🙂
  23. I like freedom, but it comes with responsibility. Your freedom should not interfere with my freedom. There are very few things you can do in life that don't affect somebody else in some way. You guys "are not against all governance". You like governance that benefits you!
  24. Before they had playoffs, being in a Bowl Game was the award for a good season. Now they don't mean much, so what does it matter if they have .500 teams in games? It's a short season and this gives fans another game to watch. If someone doesn't want to watch, nobody is forcing them to do so.
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