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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. It reminds me of the Clinton death count.
  2. I always get my science info from goodsciencing.com!
  3. I'll start with Eduardo Rodriguez.
  4. Didn't you hear the podcasts stating that hundreds of athletes collapsed with vaccine related heart problems.
  5. I think pfife is going to have fun hazing the rookie.
  6. Right, it was confusing as none of that has been happening for months.
  7. The NBA was the first big organization to shut down and that was when major parts of the government were calling Covid a hoax.
  8. While the last five months were encouraging, you can't just throw out the first month. That one month did happen and some of those players will still be on the team. Players will go into slumps again next year. You just hope they all don't have one at the same time.
  9. Still waiting for Cartman to post in one of the sports forums.
  10. You mean he's not a guardian of democracy?
  11. I remember there was a bitter debate about Larish in the minor league forum. It was just the opposite of the usual minor league debates. Typically, the minor league stat guys would say that all the minor leaguers sucked (which they did at that time) and all the minor league moms and dads would get furious. In this case, the stat guys liked Larish and the scouting types said they were wrong. I don't know what the moms and dads thought, but nobody else stuck up for Larish. It turns out that Larish sucked too.
  12. It started in Minnesota. It ended in Seattle.
  13. If something good happens, Dickerson will wake you up!
  14. I've always thought the real myth was that the government is the ultimate power in this country. I always imagine big business as pulling the strings. Does big business want fascism? They got their judges and their tax cuts. Big business is so wealthy and powerful as is. Wouldn't a fascist government just get in their way?
  15. That doesn't mean they thought it was fascism. It just means they disagreed with him and thought he was a pig.
  16. I think Sanders has some level of real interest in the populism he promotes. At least, he has been consistent throughout his career. Trump doesn't care. He probably could have been king of the Bernie Bros if he thought it would have helped him win admiration and wealth.
  17. It is somewhat abstract, but I think progressives are convinced that climate change is real and dangerous. I think right wing fascism is viewed as hyperbole.
  18. They speak intellectually about social issues, but I think the issue that scares the hell out of them is climate change. Many of them feel as if we are doomed if that is not addressed in a huge way and fast.
  19. It don't know if the current populism has appeal substantivelty, but it may appeal to the revolutionary sentiments. Leave the moderates in power and nothing will happen. Put a populist nut job like Trump in power and there is an outside shot you can get him interested.
  20. I agree with you, but the progressives are so concerned about climate change, in particular, that they feel as is we are doomed either way if we don't address it in a revolutionary way. They don't necessarily see the moderates as a significantly better option than the Republuicans.
  21. Progressives are desperately worried about issues like climate change, wealth disparity, racial equity and wealthy disparity. They probably don't think the moderates care about those issues, so they aren't supporting them. Maybe they'll vote and maybe they won't, but Democrats are not entitled to the progressive vote.
  22. Right, Hinch pretty much said at the end of the season that Castro has a lot of work to do. That work will almost surely come in Toledo
  23. My goal for the Tigers will be 90 wins every year from 2022 forward. I don't think they'll reach it in 2022, but they have a chance. The post-season is mostly a crapshoot.
  24. I don't think they'll dismember Roe. They'll make some changes, but I can't see them making abortion illegal.
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