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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. I don't. He just seems like naive confused kid to me. I despise those who make him a hero.
  2. Fubar Kumar has dropped to 31.
  3. Massachusetts has spiked recently after doing so well for months. I don't worry about myself or younger relatives at large family gatherings, but I still worry about my parents. Any kind of illness will put them in danger at this point in their lives. They are better off with small gatherings now anyway.
  4. It is not surprising since their leader thinks the entire presidency is a television show.
  5. Much like socialism, libertarianism has some good elements but it's unrealistic as an overriding philosophy.
  6. I went through that phase for a period of time in my 20s. It sounds reasonable on the surface, but it's unrealistic.
  7. Everyone thinks Peppermint Patty is a Lesbian? That is a thought that never occurred to me.
  8. Is Joe Biden supposed to be Charlie Brown in this joke?
  9. I'm not getting your joke either.
  10. The comparison is amusing. Is it supposed to be an insult though? I liked the Peppermint Patty character.
  11. Maybe 20 seconds.
  12. He wasn't threatening them. He was saying that he thinks they should be executed for treason. There is a process for that and I assume he wouldn't be involved in it.
  13. He does not watch TV. He gets a buzz cutt every other Tuesday. He talks to the same people every time.
  14. I understand that America's strange gun culture is here to stay. However, there are a lot of idiots and I want to make it more difficult for those people to access guns.
  15. I know what a militia is. We don't have any well regulated militia, so people shouldn't have guns according to the constitution. I am trying to make a compromise here because I knowhow important guns are to you guys.
  16. What else would they use therm for? Killing iswhat they are designed to do.
  17. Rand Paul is not really a libertarian. He is a phony opportunist. Justin Amash is an example of a libertarian.
  18. I would require military service as a prerequisite to gun ownership. I know this would never happen, but I think it is very reasonable. It would guarantee proper training. Guns were originally intended for a well organized militia, so it makes sense that gun owners at least served in the well organized professional military at one point in their lives. Avid gun owners usually claim to be great patriots, so spending some time in the miltary should not be a problem for them. There would be no shortage of service people ever.
  19. Killing machines. That's all we need to know.
  20. Sparky was a very skilled BS artist, but it was mostly harmless BS. He must have been good because I used to sort of believe most of what he said from Kirk Gibson being the next Mickey Mantle to Chris Pittarro being the best young infielder he had ever seen. He was actually a used car salesman for awhile before he became a manager.
  21. I am not concerned that Trump will get more votes than 2020. I am concerned that Biden will get fewer. The 2020 election was emotionally charged because of Trump. I think there might be less interest in 2024.
  22. I think that's the cycle of life! Many of the boomers started out as anti-establishment hippies and then as they got older they realized they couldn't change the world and had to be part of the system to some extent in order to survive and they got more realistic. It will happen again with the younger generations. I also think we knew there would be consequences of boomers returing en masse at some point and now we are seeing it, probaby sped up by Covid.
  23. All good points. In reference to your first point, I think a lot of boomers were hanging onto their jobs for a few more years before retiring, but Covid convinced them it wasn't worth it.
  24. Labor shortage is a huge problem, but I think the reason for the shortage is more complicated than what you are suggesting. Even states that didn't give the unemployment boost have shortages. I think Covid convinced a lot of low payed employees that kept working during Covid that they weren't appreciated, so they are looking for better jobs. It also made people in the service industry not want to come back until they believe Covid is under control. Then there are older people with a lot of money saved who decided to quit because they saw how unstressful it was not having to work.
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