I think presidents have very little impact on inflation or the economy in general. They get way too much credit and way too much blame. They are kind of like baseball managers that way.
Hiura has a bit more power but his K rate is ridiculously high. He won't have a job if he can't cut back on strikeouts. Biggio has a better K rate and also walks a lot
This is perfect. I am picturing you typing madly with Fox news blaring on a black and white TV in the background. Your wife just brought you another beer.
Judging from the perople who call themselves patriots these days, I think lots of people don't know what it means to be a patriot. The word has been soiled in recent years.
I just became a huge Nick Kuzia fan! He pitched for UMass Lowell where I spent a dozen years as a student and later a teacher. Not many UML grads make the majors. If he can pull it off, he'll be #7.
Everything from 2011-2014 kinds of blends together for me. They had very good seasons and great players, but there isn't one season that stands out from the others like 2006
Do they have the same list for men? I honestly don't know how great this country is to live in. It's good enough for me and I doubt I'll ever leave, but I suspect other countries are just as good or better. I have lived here my entire life and don't really have anything to compare it to (as far as actually living some place else). America is the most powerful country and there are many opportunities here, but that doesn't necessarily make it the best place to live in.
That may be true, but any outspoken black man would have been viewed as one in the 60s. So, it's hard to tell. Regardless, there are lots of assholes in the Hall of Fame, so that's not a Hall of Fame qualification.