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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Fans have been convinced largely by TV that winning the World Series is all that matters. Market the gold, silver and bronze division medals conept and they will buy into that too.
  2. How about financially rewarding regular season performance? Maybe reward teams which finish first, second and third in their division or however many teams is necessary to keep players and fans engaged.
  3. Not adding anymore playoff teams and going back to four divisions sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately, it is probably just a bargaining chip and not something they care about.
  4. He could bat clean-up for any major college team right now, but he's a rebellious kid. He swears at the manager, takes days off whenever he feels like it, and is a bad influence on the toolsy sophomore shortstop. This kid is a real piece of work, but he can hit the ball a mile. He just needs the right coaches to talk some sense in to him.
  5. Why top 67? Why not 50 or 100?
  6. If he had a semi-automatic rifle, he'd be a hero.
  7. Closer to 175 than 125. I think .290/.330/.500 would be a reasonable optimistic outcome for him. Getting that from a strong defensive shortstop would be outstanding. Even if he is at his career averages though, he'd still be a huge upgrade.
  8. Nobody would want to watch them though.
  9. I mostly see the side where people get killed. However, I understand that people like to hunt and some people even eat what they hunt. I understand that some like to protect their home. What I don't understand is people carrying guns around everywhere they go, people owning dozens of guns, people making guns the most important thing in their lives and won't even consider any regulations, people who think they need guns to protect them from our military, people who see a school of kindergartners get shot up and their only solution is more guns! I view that all of that as disturbing
  10. I have lived here my entire life and I have zero understanding of our gun culture.
  11. Does that mean the Rule V party is cancelled?
  12. It would be pretty hard to have baseball without players!
  13. I don't feel bad for most of the players. I just don't get why owners taking a risk makes them deserving of special consideration. There is not inherently good about taking a risk.
  14. Suppose a college student gets a big loan thinking he can make it back with a great career and then he can't find a job when he's done and is in debt for years. Does he deserve special consideration for taking a risk? If someone buys a house and then can't pay his mortgage when he loses his job, does he get special consideration for taking a risk?
  15. I don't feel bad for the wealthy players. I just think they are right in this case. I don't get why people taking risks means they should get special consideration. That is just something wealthy businessmen have pounded into us to justify paying lower salaries than people are worth.
  16. Why does taking a risk deserve special consideration? Don't we always tell regular people not too take risks with their money?
  17. You think it's easy to be a Major League Baseball player for a living?
  18. How did I move the goal posts? You were talking about taking risks like it's an honorable thing. I disagreed. Business owners taking risks does not warrant any special consideration. If they buy a team and they lose money, that's their fault. How much money the players make is irrelevant to my argument.
  19. So? When poor people take a risk, we call them irresponsible. Why should wealthy people get special consideration for taking a risk? If you take a risk with your money and you screw up, that's your fault.
  20. I doubt it. People who don't care about baseball are not going to care about the lockout. It's not like politics where people think decisions have a big effect on their lives (I think politics is way overrated but that's a discussion for a different forum) There aren't going to fake news stories or threats of violence from outsiders. It will be fans ridiculing the players and owners and threatening not to watch any more games.
  21. Giving fans a voice is not a bad thing.
  22. If the current relationship is unfair, then of course the players would have more demands. Either the owners want to play a full season or they don't. That's where there can be leverage. It's a battle of wills. Which side is going to be hurt more by missed games?
  23. OK, since 2018. That makes sense. Most of that was in 2019, but it is still an impressive number.
  24. I don't feel bad for either side, but I am on the labor side. I despise Manfred and don't trust the owners. They are all making a fortune and the players (who are the product) want a bigger piece. Also Manfred sucks.
  25. There has never been a strike or lockout during the social media era. This is going to get brutal if it cause games to be missed. It might actually pressure them to get things done faster.
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