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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. They drew a lot of walks too. Weaver was ahead of his time.
  2. One could argue that the guy who cleans the toilets does more for the fans than a manager.
  3. I have always disliked the Orioles because they were unbeatable in the early 70s when I was first really getting into the game. Palmer-McNally-Cuellar
  4. yeah, he was around for a long time. He used to post a lot in the Tigers forum without incident. He was pretty nondescript other than his handle.
  5. It wasn't long ago. He and Stan got banned at about the same time.
  6. Suckers.
  7. What's the portfolio thing about? Is Stan back too? 😟
  8. You just described Maroth for MVP.
  9. He also said F****** when addressing Red Sox fans after the marathon bombing. That made him a hero and led them to the world championship.
  10. 10 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 20?
  11. If you are looking for it to be a disaster, then you can make it one. You can do that with any president. I don't think he's a great leader, but I feel a lot more comfortable with him in charge than his predecessor. And the same guy he beat in 2020 is the leading Republican candidate for 2024 by a wide margin.
  12. At the time he was banned, gambling was absolutely forbidden in baseball and for good reason. The ban of Rose was justified. Now, that MLB has partnered with gambling organizations and actively markets the game around gambling, it becomes cloudier.
  13. I will say that the "state lines" thing is kind of funny. I have been hearing that a lot and I don't really get it. I cross the line from Massachusetts to New Hampshire every week without even noticing. It's not like you're entering a new country. It usually takes me at least a couple of miles before I get cut off by a big "live free or die" pickup truck with a "stop the steal" bumper sticker.
  14. Maybe he's a slow white guy.
  15. Maroth for MVP?
  16. It doesn't happen in a dinner conversation. It builds up over a lifetime. These people have never trusted our government and they have received confirmation. I think they always believed these things, but were afraid to say it and felt powerless to do anything about it until Trump. Social media does allow them to connect with like thinking people more easily.
  17. I am not too surprised that a 17-year-old kid would keep changing is story. Wasn't he originally there to provide medical assistance? He seems confused and impressionable like many his age. I am more concerned about a system which allows a kid like that to carry a gun and a society that views him as a hero.
  18. I don't know. My friends who post whacky stuff on social media were already leaning in that direction and just needed more confirmation to let it all out. That's just my limited experience though.
  19. I think it doesn't matter. Five might be too many unless they are all awesome. Three and two still gives you enough balance.
  20. Utley was better. His top five years were amazing.
  21. I think he's got a decent chance. He was elite for five years and had enough pretty good years around that to give him some longevity. On the other hand, he looks similar to Grich who never got in. Grich was better.
  22. I think most people get their truths from family, friends and associates and then look for media which will confirm their beliefs.
  23. I don't know you, but I think most people have good intentions and do not think they are racist. I also think most people are racist to some extent even if they don't know it. This includes Black people. Blacks were treated like animals for most of the country's history. That doesn't go away by passing a few laws and pretending everything is OK. We have made a lot of progress, but racism is part of the country's DNA and Black people still feel it every day.
  24. I doubt triggerwarning is a "new member".
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