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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Yes, that is probably my biggest concern. Innocent or not, he has been turned into a hero. He is in no way a hero. By making him a hero, you encourage others to go out there and play wild west vigilante and that frightens people.
  2. Legally, it's complicated, but his actions caused two people to die. Nobody else killed anybody there. From my view, he was looking for trouble and he found it. This incident is the reason I think we need more gun control. He was a kid with a gun who made a bad decision getting involved in something he couldn't handle. It seems he is the type of person who shouldn't be carrying a gun. The vigilante act was him going into a powder keg with a gun. I realize he didn't necessarily go there to kill anyone, but his taking the law in his own hands caused two people to die.
  3. Where do you get your truths?
  4. Thank God I live in a civilized state. I'll watch my back next time I go hiking in New Hampshire though!
  5. No money is being stockpiled. The debt is 29 trillion! And that has been accumulating for a long time regardless of the party in power.
  6. Brandeis is not Ivy League, but I agree it's not representative. People at this school tend to have more advantages than the average American. It still struck me that the first thought of every Black person at the meeting was increased fear due to this verdict.
  7. I am sorry, but I don't see it as self defense. It was maybe self defense in the moment, but he deliberately put himself in this situation. He was looking for trouble and he found it.
  8. Also, some of us might be dead in six years. So, let's win now!
  9. Damn, I blew it!
  10. Gehringer makes a lot of brilliant posts, but this might be his best of the year.
  11. They started to raise interest rates in the second year of Trump's presidency. This hurt the market which hurt Trump's feelings. Then, it seemed like Trump intimidated them into dropping the rates again. Great economic policy there!
  12. We just had a meeting at work where students and staff could express their feelings about the Rittenhouse verdict. Every Black at the meeting is scared that we now have a license to be vigilantes. I don't blame them. It sets a terrible precedent.
  13. I get you might like some things that happened during his presidency, but he doesn't actually stand for anything except getting attention and making money.
  14. The difference is that about a third of the country absolutely worships Trump and believes everything he says. Clinton didn't have that kind of following. If you think there is a chance Trump is going to support a well spoken and sane candidate for the good of the country, you haven't been paying attention for the last 40 years. For the one thousandth time, Trump only cares about himself. What else does he have to do to convince you of that?
  15. It is a combination of this and what buddha said. They are all in it to make money and Trump showed them the nuttier you get the more money you make. .
  16. You can contribute money to him at the Save America site. Don't forget to uncheck the monthly contribution box.
  17. The Republican party has a strange way of showing that they don't want him back. They continue to enable him and kiss his as every step of the way. Nobody will dare speak out against him.
  18. Good answer.
  19. Wow, Michael Flynn is a nut job. Why does everyone connected to Trump turn into a raving lunatic?
  20. I was not aware of this. I had always thought that mail-in votes were limited to special cases like elderly and military.
  21. It would be a poor political move if they spoke out against veterans and elderly doing mail-in voting. However, If mass e-mail voting favored Republicans, you can bet that the Democrats would have complained about it. They probably wouldn't have had a nut job president pushing conspiracy theories and encouraging them to storm the capital, but they would have complained about election security.
  22. I don't think it's a matter of paying 150 more million for the less healthy player. The Tigers wouldn't go into a contract of that length if they expected Correa to get injured. They would only give that contract if they expected him to stay healthy.
  23. I think measures which make it easier to vote generally favor Democrats.
  24. It has nothing to do with election security. If having mail-in ballots and not having photo IDs favored Republicans, we wouldn't hear a peep out of Republicans about election security. In that case, we would hear Democrats talking about election security!
  25. It would be an even bigger problem in a year or two, because it's unlikely that five good shortstops would be available at the same time again.
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