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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. I think when Christianity gets linked to politics, it loses a lot of spiritualism. In order for ones faith to be something special, I think it needs to be above politics.
  2. I approve of both of them... Based on very limited knowledge.
  3. So, the wealthy can get their tax cuts and the big businesses can get their deregulation. That's what this is ALL about and Trump is the perect salesman.
  4. In a political sense, he handled it perfectly. A trememdous photo op! Realistically, it would have better if he let the secret service take him off the stage more efficiently rather than pause so he could put on a show for his fans. I also don't like that he did the Nazi salute thing after the fist pump. I know conservatives will let tell me it's not really a Nazi salute, but he does it to be divisive.
  5. Checking the sports conversations is healthy. Checking the political conversations not so much, but that goes for any political discussions, not just this site.
  6. So, someone was trying to shoot out his teleprmpter to see what would happen if he had to speak without it? Seriously though, it would makes sense that a bullet did not hit him. Otherwise it probably would have done more damage.
  7. The good news is that everybody is going to stop talking about Biden's problems now.
  8. Nothing has been confirmed. I am also skeptical as to whether it was a real gun.
  9. I agree it should be fully condemned. Even though it happened to a guy who inspired an event which injured 140 police officers and got away with thanks to getting bailed out by the Supreme Court, this kind of retaliation (if that's what it was) is not supposed to be the way we do things in the United States.
  10. MAGA is pumped because Trump pumped his fist and then gave the Hitler salute as he he was being taken away.
  11. Trump just got shot or something at his rally. There was a popping sound and then he grabbed his ear and his ear is bleeding. They rushed him out of there. He seems OK.
  12. Most of us could not do that. We also aren't running for President and we don't have the whole world waiting for us to screw up so they can tweet it or broadcast it.
  13. He is always vague about racist comments so he can give a double message - one for his racist followers and one for those who are either not racist or don't know they are racist. Yeah, I know it's not vague, but it's worded in way that they can pretend he didn't really say it.
  14. Or somebody checked them for him. I am still a little suspect of those particular allegations.
  15. They signed Maeda to two years because they were betting that he would be good and he wasn't willing to sign for one year. The same would apply to Kelly. They aren't going to extend him if they expect him to become unplayable. I do agree they probably wouldn't go three years on him.
  16. I still don't think you want to offer a multi-year deal to a below average player (which is what one WAR is). Maybe offer him one year in that case.
  17. I don't know. I am just saying if you think he is worth one WAR (which is where h is at half way through the season), then you probably wouldn't worry about losing him. So, you would offer him just one year or trade him. If you think he is worth more than that then he'd cost more per year but a two year deal might be worth it.
  18. One WAR is worth 8-10 million. If you think that is all he is worth, then do you even bother going beyond one year? I think if they offer him two years, it's because they think he is more than a one WAR player.
  19. Yeah, 3 years is probably too much. Two might be OK.
  20. Weren't you saying yesterday that you thought Kelly was good and not a mirage?
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