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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. I feel like Bannon could survive prison better than any of the other clowns. Yeah, I know he's not going there.
  2. The Tigers are in on every shortstop and starting pitcher and they expect a signing frenzy before December 1. Otherwise, they won't sign until February. This should be fun.
  3. At least he didn't talk about himself being a national hero.
  4. Even though I've always hated the Red Sox, that team was difficult to hate. The gold dust twins Lynn and Rice, Luis Tiant, Bill Lee, etc. was a fun team. I always hated Rick Burleson though. He was supposed to be the glue that kept that team together and he really wasn't that great and he always looked like he was pissed.
  5. That's what matters. Seriously though, thanks for your opinion. Opinions from fans who watched a player regularly is one good way to get input on a new player.
  6. yeah, he was overshadowed by some of his great teammates, but he was a big part of the Tigers teams of the 80s.
  7. There are so many teams in the post-season tournament now that I have a hard time remembering which team won the whole thing in which year. Pretty soon there will be 14 teams in the tournament. It's easier to remember the great players and great teams and I want more of those to be Tigers.
  8. I remember the really good teams that lasted a long time. I barely even remember that Royals team other than they had a bunch of good relief pitchers and got lucky in the tournament. I remember the Braves vividly. Maddox, Glavine and Smoltz were one of the most dominant pitching trios ever.
  9. I read some baseball history, but I also have a difficult time finishing other historical/cultural reading. Good fiction authors often educate you on culture and history though.
  10. I would be happier with the 96-05 Braves than the 2010s Royals and it's not even close. Having a good team to follow every summer is what it's all about. Winning the post-season tournament is fun but that's only a few weeks versus ten fun summers.
  11. Sure, the usual Republican groups would support her, but she would have to get people to vote too. For some odd reason, Trump is considered very convincing and charismatic and his supporters love him. He gets people to vote in large numbers. That won't happen for every right wing nut job.
  12. I have been reading all of William Kent Krueger's books this year. His Cork O'Conner series is great. Mystery thrillers where you really care about the characters.
  13. I think women have a harder time overcoming scandals than men because they are expected to be sweet and kind and upright whereas it's considered ok and even good for a man to be a bad boy sometimes. Women are also "too weak", but if a woman behaves strong, then she's a b****.
  14. A friend, who is fairly intelligent most of the time, accused her of changing her whole life by stealing a job from an Indian. It's amazing how they make BS like that stick.
  15. Boring or not, she has a personality problem which has her permanently buried. She often sounds like a Harvard professor attempting to be cool. There is no way she will ever appeal to the masses.
  16. Biden and Trump are old and they are probably both going to run and I think she is healthier physically and mentally than both of them. I think she's smart, but not a good candidate because she is boring. I don't mind boring, but most Americans do.
  17. yes
  18. I approve of Eduardo Rodriguez
  19. More funny stuff. I think both parties are led by self serving phonies and I think politicians generally tend to be insufferable narcissists. It's funny when people pretend that their party has some kind of moral or ethical superiority over the other when morals and ethics are not the goal of either party. The Republicans are just a little funnier because they whine so much about being victims.
  20. His post was amusing. It's funny when people suggest that their party is more upright than the other party. "Dems do corruption better" 😃
  21. Is CRT going to be on the exam?
  22. The poor innocent Republicans, lol
  23. How many years would you give him?
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