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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. He has proved his entire life that he can do anything he wants and get away with it. Not only that, but he has been made a hero by about 40% of the country. Nothing will ever happen to him. He has nothing to worry about.
  2. His seats were in the front rowwwww!
  3. I have to wear a mask at work and my glasses fog up all the time. On the first day of class, I gave my class a 15 minute break (it's a three hour class). I left the room, my glasses fogged up, I walked into a door and got a bloody nose. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to stop the bleeding, but I got it cleaned up and went to my car to get another mask. Additionally, I give a lab at the end of class where I walk around and help students with an assignment. It's a big lecture hall with stairs all over the place, so I have to be careful! I also hate lecturing with a mask because it muffles my voice and the voices of students asking questions.
  4. So, he's been consistent with the bullet points.
  5. If they love what they do and are highly competitive, then yes they can stay motivated. I think money is not that big of a motivator for competitive athletes. I know elite runners who put their entire life into the sport with no hopes of making any significant money from it. Having wealth would just give them more time to perfect their craft.
  6. I haven't been to a gym or sat in a restaurant in two years and I don't miss them much. I work out outdoors and sometimes do takeout. Also, food shop via instacart. Covid got me into new habits and I like them.
  7. I doubt Trump knew anything about NAFTA beyond some bullet points he was given. Opposing it was just a way to get votes.
  8. That's like the worst think you could ever say to someone. You should apologize.
  9. I don't think it will ever get that extreme. I think there are always going to be pitchers who are so good that teams will want to extend them at least 5-6 innings per start. I don't think there are enough good arms where it would be beneficial to completely erase the distinction between starters and relievers. I can see where teams would go to maybe three starters and let the 4th and 5th slots be bullpen games.
  10. I couldn't find anything recent, but according to the study below, the peak for batting average occurs at age 28 on average while the peak for walk rate is 32. That is a pretty big difference and it does suggest that batters who don't make contact and don't draw walks may peak early. https://www.baseballprospectus.com/news/article/9933/how-do-baseball-players-age-investigating-the-age-27-theory/ Additionally, fielding skills drop earlier and maybe more steeply than hitting skills: https://sportsinfosolutionsblog.com/2020/05/08/a-closer-look-at-defensive-aging-curves/ Based on all of this, it seems that Baez' skill set may not age well.
  11. I think starters pitching fewer innings and a parade of relievers will be the norm every year. I don't know how much farther they can go with it though. I don't believe there are enough good arms to make it worthwhile across the entire league.
  12. Also, the numbers indicate that Baez has fallen far from his prime defensively. It now looks like he could be an average defensive shortstop.
  13. If Baez plays to his career averages, he would be OK. His strikeouts are so extreme though, I could see him falling off a cliff pretty quickly. It's mostly a hunch.
  14. That's bullshit.
  15. If you are going to break a leg, the fibula is the best bone to break! I have had an unstable fibula for years.
  16. Anybody who talks about using spreadsheets to do sophisticated analysis is probably an amateur! 😄
  17. They need highly recognizable personalities to capture the attention of a very restless audience which can not stay on one channel for more than a few minutes. Hopefully, they'll hang around long enough to watch a commercial after telling their buddies their a-rod and big papi stories.
  18. Simulation would probably be as good at determining a true champion as having playoffs. Or they could just use the regular season results. They have playoffs because they are entertaining and thus profitable. As for your other point, all teams use analytics now. Just because some teams have more of a reputation for it doesn't mean they use it more. It could be that some teams don't talk about it because they don't want to tip their hand.
  19. Best shape of his life Cabrera mashes in Spring Bicep strain in May
  20. Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.
  21. The top two shortstops, Correa and Seager, both have problems with durability. Both are going to get 8+ years for huge money. The next tier - Story and Semien - will be be a little cheaper (although still expensive). They have been more durable but aren't as good and Semien is over 30. I won't mind if the Tigers take chance on any of those guys, but if they are going to spend like a middle market team, the latter two make more sense. Baez scares me with his ridiculous strikeout rate. Simmons is going to be 32 next year and I would stay away from a 32 year old defensive specialist.
  22. Bigglesworth peed in the parking lot last year. That was embarrassing, which I think is part of the reason he never comes here anymore. You can't really fault him though. The Rule V can cause one to get unduly excited.
  23. After the signing of Baddoo last year, I am anticipating this party even more than I usually do.
  24. You'd have be pretty stupid to not realize that Trump was fully on board with the insurrection. However, I am confident that nothing will ever happen to Trump and those around him. And noting will ever turn his supporters against him.
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