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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. The lawsuits were thrown out because they were stupid. The election wasn't even very close and there is no evidence of widespread fraud that would have changed the election. It's just your guy being a big baby because he didn't win. Also, his lawyers are all idiots. With all his money (supposedly) and power, he should have had access to the best lawyers in the country and instead he surrounds himself with incompetent morons. Your guy is a complete charlatan and you guys just keep believing everything he says.
  2. It was antifa disguised as conservatives.
  3. I can imagine! 😃
  4. Actually not Thames because he was a RHB.
  5. No on base, no defense, hits for power versus RHP. He'd be another Marcus Thames which would be OK, not great. I doubt they are going to go after an outfielder.
  6. I don't follow politics as much as most people here do, but there were dozens of lawsuits from November through December and they were all denied. Even the Trump selected Supreme Court rejected them. There's nothing there. The vote went through all the processes according to the constitution and they found nothing. Trump was just too immature to admit that he lost the election and now he's making millions off his fake protests. And all his supporters have fallen for it.
  7. Political parties are power hungry! Who knew?
  8. I don't think De La Rosa is worthy of acronym status.
  9. No doubt. I never cease to be amazed by what people will believe.
  10. MTG brings no value at all to politics. She is an ignorant jerk, an absolute disgrace.
  11. She doesn't have beautiful thoughts like MTG.
  12. That sounds really far fetched.
  13. It matters in that you might have a .05% better chance of winning on one card than another. If they know which card gives them the best chance though, they should be buying 10 of that card and not that one of that card plus 9 inferior cards.
  14. It's not surprising that it is so rare for a team to win back to back championships in baseball. Due to the randomness in baseball results, it is mathematically very unlikely that a team that makes the playoffs two years will win both years. If we assume 100% randomness, it's less than a 2% chance. It's probably not 100% random, so maybe a 5% chance. And of course, a team has to actually make the playoffs twice in order to have any chance of repeating.
  15. I put the eight finalists through a random number generator and came up with Los Angeles and Houston. Houston is winning it all.
  16. I thought this was going to be a thread about the MLB post-season.
  17. I hate when they purchase 10 tickets and instead of buying 10 of the same type they have to buy 10 different tickets. They choose deliberately like what ticket they buy makes a difference.
  18. And he'd be one again if it was to his personal advantage in any way.
  19. The problem is stocks usually take a dive too when interest rates go up.
  20. I bought a tiny bit of Merck about 25 years ago just for fun and never sold it. Although still tiny, It has grown immensely. Other than that, I have invested almost entirely in mutual funds. It's probably less fun, but it feels safer and more practical than investing in individual stocks.
  21. They didn't want it enough.
  22. And there is still a wildcard remaining. It is not 100% random, but there is enough randomness to make the outcomes practically meaningless beyond entertainment value.
  23. Yes, It always comes down to the players! I like that we can dream again.
  24. I don't think this year's improvement is as anomalous as people are saying. They finished 77-85. It is not uncommon for previously poor teams to make that kind of jump especially with an infusion of young players. What I do I like is the apparent new direction of the franchise in terms of management, coaching and analytics.
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