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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. And there is still a wildcard remaining. It is not 100% random, but there is enough randomness to make the outcomes practically meaningless beyond entertainment value.
  2. Yes, It always comes down to the players! I like that we can dream again.
  3. I don't think this year's improvement is as anomalous as people are saying. They finished 77-85. It is not uncommon for previously poor teams to make that kind of jump especially with an infusion of young players. What I do I like is the apparent new direction of the franchise in terms of management, coaching and analytics.
  4. This article is old, but it indicates that catchers tend to peak at the same age as players at other positions. https://www.baseballprospectus.com/news/article/569/catcher-career-paths-do-they-peak-later/
  5. Avila said he would add a catcher and he also does what he says he's going to do even if we don't necessarily like his choices.
  6. BBL=Be Back Later
  7. I have gone to sleep before every night playoff game has ended.
  8. Speaking of gambling: https://www.golfdigest.com/story/report-details-criminal-record-of-james-adducci-the-gambler-who-won-dollar12-million-on-tiger-woods-masters-victory That's not him though. Our Jim Adduci would never allow himself to be caught.
  9. Addiction markets usually do well.
  10. Yeah, it's been this way for a while, but now I'm a grumpy old man, so I complain about it. As for viewership, I think young fans follow sports differently today. They gamble on games or play fantasy sports jumping from game to game or watching highlights on twitter. So, I don't know than an extra round will affect viewership. We'll see.
  11. More importantly, of course, he had a 58 OPS+ this year and 73 lifetime.
  12. I don't like the post-season because it has gotten too long and the whole thing just seems meaningless. The Red Sox and Braves will probably make the World Series because they got hot at the right time. The media will claim that they won because they wanted it more or they play the game right or some kind of silly narrative. It's fun if the Tigers are in it. If the Tigers sneak in with 88 wins and then win the World Series, it will be entertaining, but it won't feel like a true championship like 68 or 84.
  13. One could argue that Trump was the choice of the media as they haven't stopped talking about him for five years. They have enriched each other greatly.
  14. There* I hate not being able to edit. 😃
  15. Yes, that is very disturbing.
  16. I agree with this. You could argue that their have been worse human beings in the history of the world, but it would be hard to argue that there have been bigger douchebags.
  17. You don't know who anyone voted for in person either since all votes are private.
  18. There were a variety of choices in the primaries, but the people chose Trump, Clinton and Biden.
  19. Who voted for them?
  20. The United States is a great country. Perhaps, we don't deserve what we have.
  21. I think the rioters and their organizers had been waiting for the opportunity to do something like that for a long time. He gave them permission. I am not absolving him of blame. He is 100% guilty. I just don't think he's the mastermind behind anything. He makes stuff up as he goes along. Whatever makes him look good or gives him some kind of advantage at the moment. Whatever it takes to sell his product (which is Donald Trump)
  22. People are going to say the same kind of thing when Trump dies (because he'll deserve it) and his supporters are going to be indignant.
  23. He is all about money and attention. I think that is why he originally ran for President and I don't think he even expected to win. I agree he has no morals or ethics and does not give a shit about the country, but I don't think he is capable of engineering a fascist dictatorship. That would require him to think beyond himself of which he is incapable. I don't even think he incited the riot. He 100% knew about it ahead of time and fully supported it, but the idea and planning came from elsewhere.
  24. I still don't think he is engineering a fascist takeover. I think he is all about money and popularity as he has been his whole life. There could certainly be people who are using him for nefarious aims.
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