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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. One could argue that the 55 or so percent that didn't vote at all don't give a **** and wouldn't know if they were in a dictatorship.
  2. Is it true that Boebert is going to be the secretary of education? Or is that just a joke. I can't tell anymore.
  3. Do we know anymore that the majority of people will mind living with the consequences? We have assumed that most Americans would not want a right wing authorotarian dictatorship, but maybe they actually do.
  4. freak show
  5. I'd be wary of Bohm. He is not a good fielder and has had one year (2024) with more than 1 WAR. In that one year, he didn't hit in the second half.
  6. There is no immediate crisis now, just the potential of some really bad stuff down the road. I am not quite as alarmed as some here are, but I think there is real chance for slow erosion of democracy and freedoms. That's not the tangible thing that will make non-voters vote though. What it will take for the Democrats to get back in control is bad economy during Trump's presidency and a candidate that people can get behind. You can't predict that far ahead.
  7. I don't care. Nobody should want to see people killed over politics.
  8. Not caring if people get deported and killed because they didn't vote the way you wanted sounds very Trumpy to me.
  9. True, They already tried that and failed miserably.
  10. It's all about timing. In 2020, we were in the middle of the worst public health crisis of our lifetimes. The whole country was shut down due to Covid and the president wasn't taking it seriously - denying that it was real, making jokes about it, blaming it on everyone else and wondering whether it would be helpful if everyone injected themselves with disinfectant. His complete incompetence and stupidity made past non-voters want to vote for him in hopes that they they could get their lives back to normal again. There was no such crisis this time around, so non-voters went back to being non-voters again.
  11. Can I assume you'll disapprove when Trump pardons all of them?
  12. The one thing you'll never get a response to is the Pence thing. That is the one thing I have noticed that made even makes election deniers a little uncomfortable.
  13. I think anything dealing with something like tax cuts will go through. I can see where something like eliminating the Dept will be viewed as unnecessary and not necessarily beneficial to their constiuents.
  14. There's a reason why education sucks... There's a reason why it will never be fixed... The owners of this country don't want that... They want obedient workers... https://www.google.com/search?q=george+carli+education&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1097US1097&oq=george+carli+education&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgNGIAEMgkIAhAAGA0YgAQyCQgDEAAYDRiABDIJCAQQABgNGIAEMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIKCAkQABiABBiiBNIBCDYwMzBqMGo0qAIAsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e8e5d063,vid:sNXHSMmaq_s,st:0
  15. So, apparently Trump has officially announced that he is going to eliminate the Department of Education. It's not surprising that a President who can't read or speak beyond a third grade level would want to eliminate a department with the word "education" in it.
  16. That is my best case scenario given the circumstances. I also think it's the most likely outcome, but there are still some much worse outcomes that have too high of a probabiliy of happening for me to be comfortable.
  17. Since I love my country, I don't move on from coup attempts.
  18. Twitter is still pretty good for baseball which is the main reason I use it. If there is a better place for baseball news with an analytical emphasis, then I would go there.
  19. I just wanted to see the guy who I strongly believe attempted a coup against the United States of America be put on trial. Now, we'll never know for sure and that's a really bad thing for the health of our republic.
  20. I never wanted to see people fired for refusing to get vaccinated and I certainty don't want to see long-term employees fired because they don't bow down to King Donald.
  21. Not only that, but 43% of the conutry dislikes both parties so much that they don't identify with either one.
  22. They needed to spend on Covid, but they didn't do a good job of it. There was no need to give hundreds of billions of dollars to people who didn't lose their jobs or otherwise didn't need the stimulus. That surely contributed to the inflation which came later.
  23. He proudly call himself the king of debt.
  24. It could be made up or it could be one rogue FEMA person being an asshole. If it's the latter, they will soon be unemployed. I don't believe for a minute that the agency is systematically avoiding helping Trump supporters.
  25. CNN has been garbage for years. They played a major role in nomalizing your psychopath President. I don't know if I'd call them right wing, but he's useful to them.
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