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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. They probably never were. For a long time, people have been trained to keep their bigotry to themselves. Not anymore.
  2. Ignorant people probably assumed she was White.
  3. Seriously, this is probably the main reason she lost. There are millions of politically ignorant or disinterested who don't really know who she is. So, they didn't vote. The way she got the nomination was very unusual.
  4. They know who he is and what he's been doing, but a LOT of people think he was a successful businessman.
  5. It is useless to compare 2012/2016 to 2020/2024 since it was a lot easier to vote in the latter period. As for 2020 vs 2024, the data are not complete yet and the data bars will be higher for both blue and red, most likely a lot higher. Or maybe the Repbublicans cheated in 2024. I have no idea if they did, but it's just as valid to say that they cheated in 2024 as it is to say that the Democrats cheated in 2020.
  6. Big Pharma wouldn't like that. I think we'll be OK on that front. The danger is that more people will be free to not get vaccinated which will put more people in the hospital and they could also put those who are not able to get vaccines due to a health problem in danger.
  7. I think they are useful predictors, but not reliable because they are easily manipulatd by a small number of wealthy people. I suppose that makes them very American though.
  8. The markets seem to love the election result. S&P 500 up 2%
  9. Not in our family. The only Trumper in our family cheated on his wife (my neice) and now shes getting a divorce. Typical MAGA! My whole family is now either anti-Trump or disinterested.
  10. Or you just stay in the Tigers forum which is what I'll probably do.
  11. At least one check and balance will still be in place.
  12. He's going to win it easily. There is still some good in the world.
  13. Yup, he called it. Uunfortunately, MTB will have to work on his model before the next election.
  14. This aint the 2024 Tigers! We're done.
  15. Can someone give an unbiased opinion on whether we are going to lose the house along with the senate?
  16. Also can hardly wait until Mush dismantles the government.
  17. Rubella is better. It's got a cool name.
  18. It looks like the only path left is PA, WI, MI. All are winnable, but winning all three will be difficult. Everything is looking pretty much the way it was before we got excited about the Iowa poll.
  19. No big surpises yet, but not seeing anything really positive tonight.
  20. So much for Texas being the new California. Another quick win for Trump.
  21. Based on nothing, it seems like Trump won Florida quicker than expected,
  22. There are a lot of them. I heard it all the time during Covid.
  23. All the live-in home health aides who took care of my mother for eight years were immigrants - mostly from Kenya, one from Haiti. I fully trusted them to live in my house and take care of my mom.
  24. Yes, If I hear one more Ayotte/Craig commercial, I'll scream.
  25. Mine is high and this is coming from someone who didn't give a **** about politics for most of my life. I believe Harris will win but the negative impact of a Trump win would be so much more than the positive impact of a Harris win and I am not really confident in my belief of a Harris victory. The only thing that will really make me happy is Trump getting absolutely crushed. Anything else would be an embarrassment for our country.
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