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Everything posted by Tiger337

  1. Democrats didn't vote against those things. They voted against the rest of the bill.
  2. God job Pfife. It is not easy to please Screwball!
  3. I trust him as far as I can throw Donald Trump. Maybe I am naive, but I don't really get why he is so far ahead of everyone in net worth. Bezos and some others seem more successsful.
  4. Well at least they know nobody is going to read it, so they can put down whatever sounds good.
  5. So, let's tear it apart without thinking carefully about consequences.
  6. Too young. His mom would be more relevant.
  7. Sounds like a really stable individual. Just what we need in the FBI.
  8. Trump doesn't like Musk taking attention away from him.
  9. OK, that makes sense. I wasn't sure what you were getting at in the original post.
  10. Good point. With the mode that Trump is in now, it could get even worse.
  11. Which religion is that? Is it all Christians or do they leave out the Catholics?
  12. I see this automation versus just doing it yourself in computer programming all the time. There are programmers who want to automate EVERYTHING when it's actually better to automate some things and do other things separetely. If you are going to do the same exact procedure over and over, then you should automate with macros. If you are doing something just once, then trying to automate your program is a waste of time. I imagine there are similar situations in AI.
  13. Wait...The Bongino post is real? I thought it was a joke.
  14. I have a friend who thinks Bongino is the greatest guy ever...other than Trump of course. Always tells the truth!
  15. The line between government and big business is getting very thin. Certainly, people like Musk (or more accurately the people working for him) will have a huge influence on the development of AI. It won't be for the greater good unless you think profit is for the greater good.
  16. Plus, most of them are from the south, so even if they did look into the issues, they would be heavily influenced by MAGA. I think the NFL players are protesting Trump because there are so many Black players and they have to protect their teammates even if they are not on board with all the issues. MLB is much whiter in demographics and culture, so maybe they wouldn't push back so hard. I don't know.
  17. All AI will eventually all be under the supervision of billionaires. That is inevitable.
  18. Philip Low is making Musk sound like Trump. It makes a lot of sense. Musk is supposed to some kind of super genius, but I have not seen it, so I am not surprised that others are doing all the thinking behind the scenes.
  19. I have met him. He seems like a very genuine person who knows how to talk to people.
  20. MAGAs have no shame just like their fuhrer.
  21. It's not personal with you because it's not happening to you. And I do not believe shrinking the government is the goal of the people in charge.
  22. People aren't choosing to leave. And finding an available job where you want to work is very difficult. People spend months looking for a job while trying to stay afloat, they work hard at their job and then they get fired. And then some asshole celebrates their loss.
  23. That is the reason that they give for doing it, but in my experience it usually results in somebody getting layed off. In the last case, the one who got laid off was the manager who told us to do it.
  24. It's typical MAGA. They have had bad experiences in their lives, so they want others to have to suffer too.
  25. I have noticed that when employees are asked to keep track of what they do and how much time they spend on each task, it means someone is about to get laid off.
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