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The Ronz

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Everything posted by The Ronz

  1. Go Lions! As Sam Rutigliano once said "“One Time, Baby...One Time!”
  2. Matthew Lesko.
  3. Actually, the Lions did win a "real" playoff game back in 1957. The Lions and 49'ers tied for what was then known as the Western Conference of the NFL. A playoff game was held in Kezar Stadium in San Francisco on December, 22, 1957. The Lions won 31-27 and thereby made the NFL Championship Game. So yes, the Lions have won a road playoff game - you just have to go back 66 years! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1957_NFL_playoffs https://www.profootballhof.com/football-history/1957-playoff-game/
  4. Trump is going to win fairly easily. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt I am. All the young voters I know including those voting for the very first time are voting for Trump. All those who voted for Biden last time or didn't vote are voting for Trump. I literally don't know anyone who isn't voting for Trump.
  5. What?!?!?! 😉 😁
  6. No problem. 🙂 The Lions could have always kicked the extra point. They had two additional chances to do so. 😉
  7. This what I am trying to say but apparently phrasing it badly. Decker - # 68 reports as eligible. The ref/PA announcer states that # 70 is eligible. That's it?! There is nothing the Lions can do?! That's BS.
  8. There is no next play. They either make the extra point or they don't. There is literally nothing else to pay attention to. Whether the extra point is made or missed the next play is the Lions are kicking off.
  9. OK - Then I blame Dan Cambell. The stadium announcer clearly announced that number 70 was eligible. Wasn't Cambell or anyone on the Lion's coaching staff listening. If the Lions feel that Decker reported but the ref/PA announcer announced the wrong player - the answer is tough sh*t? That's crap.
  10. Why does everyone keep saying the Lions couldn't have done anything because they were out of time outs? Isn't the extra point an untimed play?
  11. The offensive team must have at least seven players lined up on the line of scrimmage. Of the players on the line of scrimmage, only the two players on the ends of the line of scrimmage are eligible receivers. So, two players can report. I love having a coach who doesn't know the rules.
  12. He's saying he doesn't know the rules.
  13. Been a hater for over 50 years. 😁
  14. It was garbage coaching. Kick the FG earlier in the game and everything at the end of the game is moot. That's on the coach.
  15. You kick the FG earlier in the game instead of going for it and none of the 2 point BS matters. Dan Cambell sux as a coach and I have no idea what you guys see in Gibbs.
  16. I still don’t get why various Secretaries of State simply don’t put Trump on the ballot. Isn’t the United States based on “Federalism" and "States Rights"? What can Trump do about it? Sue? Sure, but then he would have to prove he didn’t cause an insurrection. He would have to prove that he wasn’t an Officer of the United States. He would have to prove that the Oath of Office, which he took, doesn’t state that he has to "support" the Constitution. Put the burden of proof on him. If he proves those things then he sure as heck doesn't have "Presidential Immunity."
  17. Alabama left Abraham Lincon off the ballot in 1860, Harry Truman off the ballot in 1948 and LBJ off the ballot in 1964. To my knowledge, they were left off the ballot and that was it. None of the case were appealed to the Supreme Court. What makes Trump special every single time?
  18. The Lions aren't making the playoffs. Great seeing Donna Pescow again in that Capital One commercial.
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