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The Ronz

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Everything posted by The Ronz

  1. The Democrats could easily take MI-10 but have no inclination to do so. I know many people in MI-10 and they are extremely racist Trumpers. So racist in fact that they split their ticket and voted against John James for the sole reason that he is black. James won by less than 2,000 votes in 2020.
  2. I guess my conspiracy theory of Trump being easily elected but then killed or removed via the 25th amendment so JD Vance can install a theocracy is seen by others as well. https://www.newsweek.com/jd-vance-hijack-maga-theocracy-post-liberalists-sofia-nelson-1953866
  3. Didn't Hitler do the same thing? Born Adolph Schicklgruber then Adolph Hiedler then Adolph Hitler?
  4. Which in reality will be an incel kakistocracy.
  5. That's my conspiracy theory. Trump will win the election handily but be killed sometime afterward and JD will implement a government based on Christofascism.
  6. Never forget!
  7. Exactly this. And everyone underestimates how many Americans hate with an unbridled passion. It is their sole reason for existing.
  8. Guess I was wrong. She got slammed before the debate even started.
  9. Yep. Trump could call Harris the N-word and the headlines will read: "Harris unable to clarify her ethnicity."
  10. That's already started as gas is just a tad over $3.00 in my area. "Biden is purposely lowering gas prices to rig the election!"
  11. I'm sure you know this but most don't. As per the Constitution all spending bills must start in the House Of Representatives which is currently controlled by the Republicans. How people believe - which they do - that Biden had anything to do with it is beyond me.
  12. Yep - you said it better than me. I know prices aren't going down but something like gas may go down and Trump will get "credit." I never thought the American public was this stupid but like George Carlin said "Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that."
  13. Correct! And that will win the election for Trump. The corporations will then collude and lower prices and all the Trump voters will be "vindicated."
  14. Nope. But I do not know a single person who isn't.
  15. Gen Z for starters. All the Gen Z voters I know - including those voting for the first time - are voting for Trump. The reason is the same as anyone who votes for Trump - he "allows" them to be openly racist. As far as I'm concerned Trump is not only going to win but he is going to win by a lot.
  16. I have posted this article about Trump published in 1990 by Vanity Fair many times. The sentence "Trump was seen on the news shows offering his services to negotiate with the Russians" appears in the fourth paragraph. None of this should be surprising as it has been known for over 30 years. https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/e515a2cd-a51b-4f83-8d61-6ebb9a104e0a
  17. Looks like Haystacks Calhoun has lost a step.
  18. Not to belabor the point because I know it makes people upset but this is what Nazism, eugenics and "The Master Race" are all about. Trump is implying that he comes from "good stock."
  19. I don't even think it is about the USSS bowing down to Trump's demands altho they certainly could have. The USSS most likely has a certain area/perimeter that they are responsible for and that is the ONLY area they are responsible for. Anything outside that area is NOT the responsibility of the USSS but COULD be the responsibility of the Trump campaign. Meaning if the Trump campaign wanted to hire additional security beyond the established perimeter, they were welcome to do so. My guess - based on a 50+ year record of Trump not paying anyone - the campaign chose not to do so.
  20. More like 74+ million people but point taken.
  21. The media is failing to properly explain the issue. TWO incidents took place. 1. A female ANC employee was assulted by a member of the Trump campaign. 2. The Trump campaign illegally held a campaign event in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetary. Just because the woman involved in Incident # 1 failed to press charges - that does't negate Incident # 2. I do not know who would enforce/procescute Incedent # 2 but someone should. I agree with article that an Investigation / Oversight Committee should be formed to look into the issue.
  22. Of course they do - they make more money if Trump is elected.
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