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The Ronz

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Everything posted by The Ronz

  1. The media is failing to properly explain the issue. TWO incidents took place. 1. A female ANC employee was assulted by a member of the Trump campaign. 2. The Trump campaign illegally held a campaign event in Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetary. Just because the woman involved in Incident # 1 failed to press charges - that does't negate Incident # 2. I do not know who would enforce/procescute Incedent # 2 but someone should. I agree with article that an Investigation / Oversight Committee should be formed to look into the issue.
  2. Of course they do - they make more money if Trump is elected.
  3. You wouldn't know any of this unless you are of German heritage. Werner von Braun's brother Magnus worked for Chrysler in Warren. Many former Nazi's worked in the automotive industry and the supporting businesses, tool and die shops, etc. It wasn't something that was well advertised but if you knew - you knew.
  4. Macomb County, MI. Nazism started in Detroit and was exported to Germany and Hitler. Henry Ford is mentioned in Mein Kampf. Nazism was imported back to Detroit after World War II via Operation Overcast/Paperclip. It came to Macomb County during the White Flight era of the 1960's. Many Hitler Jugend as well as their progeny still live in Macomb County and their influence is quite large.
  5. I wish I did but I don't. I was told this unprompted by all the women I know. They are aware of Trump's abortion policies and understand what they mean in regard to how they would be personally affected as well as their daughters, granddaughters, sisters, other female family members, etc. They are by no means stupid people. Many are college educated. White Supremacy, Racism, Nazism - whatever you want to call it - is that strong of a pull. They would all happily die for Trump as long as he is elected. It is a cult.
  6. Me too, especially since every woman I know - ages range from 18 to mid 80's - is voting for Trump. It's unbelievable actually.
  7. Every young woman you I know - including those voting for the first time - are voting for Trump. They are thrilled that Trump has allowed them to become overtly racist and "aren't going back."
  8. One thing about Trump - he has been staunchly pro-gun control. He even banned bump stocks altho that has since been overturned by SCOTUS. If you tell any Trumper that or show them the video above or the one below - they will deny the validity of the videos despite them showing Trump himself saying the words!
  9. Who talks like this? Is that how slave holders spoke? He is one weird/creepy dude. Like John Wayne Gacy creepy.
  10. He sounds like Bob Newhart. "Use a coin."
  11. They got it working!
  12. All the ones I know.
  13. He is making strong inroads with young white women and first time voters. All the women I know in those categories are enthralled by being "trad wives" and love being openly racist.
  14. That's exactly his play. .
  15. How can the fact that Donald Trump lied be considered "newsworthy." He has been lying for decades. This is from 1986: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/sep/11/the-day-donald-trumps-narcissism-killed-the-usfl
  16. They're in the bag for Trump. No further explanation is necessary.
  17. He comes back to Trump quicker than Kyle Rittenhouse did. Which was what - 24 hours? Less?
  18. That's why Trump isn't campaigning. He actually doesn't have to as he plans on "winning" the election through violence, Congress, the Supreme Court or all three.
  19. Trump's play isn't to campaign and win the election - it is to steal it via violence or the Supreme Court or both.
  20. I had to look that up. I thought we were all getting laid off. RIF = Reduction In Force.
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