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The Ronz

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Everything posted by The Ronz

  1. The media has an interest in Trump winning. They will make more money that way. It literally is quite as simple as that. Anything that the media can do to make Trump winning a reality - they will.
  2. I know several. All women too.
  3. Welcome back! You were right about the Lions "roar" at the Silverdome sounded like a toilet flushing. 😉
  4. Trump's grandfather was a pimp / brothel owner so maybe he can help that guy with his "problems."
  5. I'm sure he will do exactly that as well as giving a shout out to Henry Ford like the other guy did.
  6. Maya Angelou - "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." 1973: https://clearinghouse.net/doc/82961/
  7. They have always hated the military just as they have always hated the judiciary. They have always hated America and what it purportedly stood for. They started planning this in the mid-late 1930's right here in Detroit, MI. Look up Henry Ford, Alfred P. Sloan, Father Coughlin, Fritz Kuhn, etc. Der Tag ist 5 Nov 24.
  8. I believe Trump can still vote as long as he isn't in jail. https://apnews.com/article/trump-felony-conviction-can-he-vote-b95e7b4c9158d999e8bc89b00fbda911
  9. No. First time offender. My prediction is he gets nothing. Perhaps a fine that he doesn't pay.
  10. Ron Filipkowski explained whether Trump can vote or not but I forget exactly what he said. It is in the video below.
  11. It is mind blowing to me that punishment for violating the Hatch Act and/or stealing Secret documents is no longer a thing. Absolutely mind blowing.
  12. Not guilty / hung jury. The jury foreman and one other juror are Trumpers. They will either hang the jury 10-2 or convince the others to vote not guilty.
  13. I see Stormy Daniels got one vote. 😁 Didn't realize Ben Dover was still alive.
  14. They did. The early reporting indicated one juror as stating that he watched both FOX and MSNBC. IMHO no such person exists. That is an undercover Trumper.
  15. All you need to know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9HmV_-EE8g TL;DR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC1MNGFHR58 Der tag ist 5 Nov 24.
  16. The first US coin to feature the motto In God We Trust was the 1864 2 cent piece. I don't think it appeared on currency until 1957.
  17. The best is the Trumper I know who got PPP loans upwards of a million dollars. This person did not have to pay the loans back nor claim it as income. It was literally one million dollars for free based a “business" that was a step above “selling things on E-Bay." If you want to hear someone rail against Socialism, Welfare, Medicare and the waiving of student loans - that's the person to talk too. 🙄
  18. Am I missing something here? What crime or crimes does Romney think Trump has been convicted of?
  19. Exactly this! And win by a landslide too.
  20. I would be stunned if Trump was found guilty. Absolutely stunned. There is already precedence for this - John Edwards - who was found not guilty due to a hung jury/mistrial. I expect this case to go exactly that way. Not that Trump isn't guilty. He was first charged for a crime in 1973 - that was over 50 years ago - and he beat that charge and every charge since.
  21. They do want those things and do understand the adverse affects those things may have on themselves but it is worth their personal sacrifice if the concentration camps are operational again - even for just a little while. They have been waiting for this since the 1930's.
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