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Everything posted by KnoxP

  1. I found a link, full stop. You did some heavy lifting. At least it now has some story behind it, albeit using 1960-70 as a benchmark!
  2. Funny as hell, also seeing all the comments flying in the space to his R. Lots of wrong people that day!
  3. Played with this just a bit. Seems to place a great deal of value on TD passes and and some ratio of yards and attempts/completions? Its wild some of the #'s you can plug in and still not get a perfect rating. For example: 40/50, 500y and 6TD, not perfect. https://www.nfeloapp.com/tools/qb-passer-rating-calculator/
  4. One thing I just now remembered the feeling of "Oh...ok" I had when I learned that the Texans were pulling out those all red alternates, 'blood red' I think they called them, for the game against us, like extra importance. Now the pure satisfaction of knowing we spoiled that party!
  5. Bears history also supplies points of validated data that says early draft QB's are a big risk, regardless of college success.
  6. KC has a resume that MN will likely never duplicate. With that acknowledged...are they a 9-0 team or will they get exposed much like MN did a few years back?
  7. Only if you rub both uprights…😂
  8. WTF, the lineman tried to take the ball from Stroud? 😂
  9. I haven’t heard anything, wonder what the strategy is?
  10. Carrie Underwood has some pretty nice legs…just saying. On to football!
  11. Looks like a great deal, 🤞🏻
  12. Love it! Opposing coaches showing frustration! Good for my soul…
  13. Yes, I agree it does look bad, and I saw he's limping. And I disagree it was a smart veteran play. He turned his back to the field, went to the bench while the play was still in progress. He can block. Last thing he should do is bail, he gave up.
  14. 💪🏻 Win in MN 💪🏻 Win in GB This division is ours now!
  15. I love it when LaFluer looks like he doesn’t understand what went wrong. 😂
  16. Did you see the Lions fan w/the cheese grater on his head ? 😂
  17. Rain, Jacob’s at 100, Branch ejected and..oh…up by 14 💪🏻
  18. That actually makes more sense than the hit, if true.
  19. This team has an amazing ability to just keep playing, good things happen!
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