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Warning Track Power

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Everything posted by Warning Track Power

  1. Thanks guys. I use PC and phone. Guess it's time to move on. I came along after the 2nd iteration when everyone moved over from World Crossing. Gonna suck but the ads are just stupid bad.
  2. Hey folks, I've been around for years, but mostly lurked. I wantvto support this site, But I despise the ads and pop ups. Is there a plan I can purchase that will enable me to enjoy this site, without the ads? It is to the point of leaving, but I really like you Morons.
  3. Did Harris go on another Honeymoon?
  4. All I wanna know is...who is gonna wear the high socks?
  5. They still have Garneau on the roster...he is retired....
  6. It's actually what I thought when it happened. one can dream right?
  7. Yes, this is from his first home start. It was also the first game both of my daughters got to attend. We were in the upper deck third base side. As I explained the foul poles and the warning track to them, some of the people who were part of the PAWS team, saw me pointing and explaining various parts of the field to my kiddos, and asked if we would like to be Tiger Fans of the game. We were elated when they put us behind home plate. Both of my girls are still Tigers fans to this day.
  8. I believe it was the other way around, Miggy's contract came after Sherzer spurned Illitch.
  9. I liove 4 hours from detroit, I cannot get Bally at my home due to cable restrictions. I bought The MLB TV app and was so stoked.....I have seen 1 game so far through the app. Pure Garbage. A local restriction should not be enacted when you are purchasing directly from MLB.
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