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Everything posted by Clinkeroo

  1. Manning just doesn’t look right. Whatever was going on at Toledo with him last year hasn’t gotten any better. It looks like he’s giving max effort, but when it comes out of his hand, there’s nothing on it.
  2. I’d like to see a six man rotation with Mize being teamed with Gibson-Long in a Tanana/Scherrer type split to save innings pitched.
  3. Has there been any reporting on the 2024 competitive balance pick yet?
  4. Another utility guy… Jesus wept… Lured me into a false sense of security with the Maeda signing and talk of domo arigato Mr. Yomoto.
  5. Or, Short flubbed two easy throws and a routine ground ball.
  6. I’m ok if nothing happens. The gamble is we either get a good return by Harris’ standards, or we get to watch two more months of entertaining pitching. I’d rather have that than some pathetic batch of AAAA middle infielders.
  7. Kind of disappointed in what Montgomery brought back. Makes me wonder if this is an option.
  8. Hoping for Morales…
  9. Horrific. Clark’s highest ceiling isn’t what Langford is now. As I said two years ago, I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not.
  10. Maybe Crews will fall to us at three, but the Tigers, being smarter than everyone else, will take a high school arm instead.
  11. Makes Red Bull’s performance today look a lot better.
  12. Man, this color commentator for the Yanks blows.
  13. Angel Hernandez. That’s all I’m saying.
  14. I agree with this. In fact, I think the article was a softer version of Dombrowski’s “you trade him” speech. It’s just a never ending rebuild is all and I don’t see any impetus to improve with the MLB gravy train making it profitable. I’m getting older and a little more impatient, I’d like to relive my memories of ‘84 before my game is over.
  15. Yeah. You can only be fed BS so long before everything starts to taste like BS. I call it the human centipede theory of Ilitch.
  16. Sounds like “We are going to tank, spend as little money as possible, and make a profit off of revenue sharing.” It’s a familiar formula. The “improvement” speech might’ve worked eight years ago, but not now. Looks like I’ll be making the drive to Toledo. Go Hens!
  17. The team that plays together, stays together. At least that's what the folks at FTX believed.
  18. I was just coming here to post this. Gotta admit, pretty tempting. See if the new position and hitting coaches could get his head screwed on right.
  19. This. No guarantees Smoltz would develop the same way he did in Atlanta. Those last two months of ‘87, especially the last weekend where we caught the stinking’ Jays, are my best ballpark memories outside of 1984.
  20. “Bobby Higginson? You try and trade him!”
  21. Harold Castro… Not a first baseman.
  22. Wow, I assume Porter told them he was headed to Clemson.
  23. Wondering who is going to pick Baez’s throws out of the dirt with Tork going down. He has a cannon, but he shoots like a stormtrooper.
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