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Biff Mayhem

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Biff Mayhem last won the day on March 22 2023

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  1. I was voted minor league player of the year in my second year in the bigs - RIP Bob Eucker
  2. Can confirm. Also, after exercise, it’s the best tool, short of a shower, to eliminate swamp ass. As previously said, using a restroom away from home is the pits. The solution is dude wipes (or a similar product). Don’t flush them though. They are a nightmare for waste treatment and septic systems.
  3. scUM fan coworker trolled a tOSU fan coworker yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  4. I had a few like that. One was a rare Japanese Hamer copy that was absolutely gorgeous. I didn’t play it. Sometimes I kick myself for selling it because it was rare and beautiful but now it’s in the hands of someone who plays it; which is its intended purpose.
  5. Hoarder! 😎 I had a similar situation where I had 19 guitars at one point. I was really only playing a couple of them so I sold 15 of them. The four that remain are my Heritage which is the guitar I have waited my whole life for, my Epi Les Paul special which punches WAY above its weight, a gold top that my brother bought for me and a chibson that serves as wall art.
  6. That’s awesome! Keep going!
  7. J’tadore (or however it’s spelled)
  8. So I have bad news for all of you: Trump will win the Presidency. I’m not saying that because I’m Maga or a Trumper. I’m just telling you that Trump is going to win. I’m not saying that to troll anyone or cause dissent. I’m saying it because it’s going to happen. Now if I’m wrong, I’ll come back, quote this post and say I was wrong. But that won’t be necessary because Trump will be 47.
  9. An alliance is beginning. https://israelmyglory.org/article/understanding-gog-and-magog/
  10. Gog and Magog.
  11. Possums are great friends. Raccoons? Not so much. Their feces is full of health risks for humans and animals. I pay an annual fee (don’t recall how much) to ring for the ability to see and share the videos. The videos, including ones that are starred to keep, expire after a certain date. I clean mine out if it’s a spider crossing its path or whatever. But I often keep ones like this. They can be downloaded to your device as well. RPReplay_Final1729617512.mov
  12. I have ring cams all around the house. The backyard, which is fenced in, features visits from our friend “Lord Buttersworth” the opossum who visits a few times a week and we enjoy the footage of him eating the dead chipmunks and peanuts we leave for him.
  13. Criminals use that in side streets so that the person has to get out of their vehicle and they can rob them.
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