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Biff Mayhem

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Everything posted by Biff Mayhem

  1. Has anyone watched “Continental”? We love the John Wick series and are curious to know if this series is any good.
  2. This is an interesting thought line that atheists often take. I say look around. If you see a building, you know someone created it. You probably never saw it being built or designed but you can see it so it is natural to think it was created and that it didn’t come out of nothing. I think it takes WAY more faith to believe that everything we know of was just created from nothing and yet we know that matter can neither be created or destroyed. I look at something like an eye and how it works and have to wonder how people can think there was not some intelligent design behind it. That it came from nothing. If there is anything that should be scoffed at, it’s the silly notion that all of this…all that is seen and unseen…came from nothing. But you do you.
  3. I was today years old when I discovered that there are moon trees planted all over the country. Seeds were brought aboard Apollo 14, which orbited the moon, and then those seeds were planted at various places around the country. Thanks google maps!
  4. I was today years old when I discovered that there are moon trees planted all over the country. Seeds were brought aboard Apollo 14, which orbited the moon, and then those seeds were planted at various places around the country. Thanks google maps!
  5. I just use my volt meter to test them. Takes just as long and is way more accurate. plus my batteries are in the basement and my lazy butt doesn’t want to make two trips up and down the stairs.
  6. I honestly thought he died a year ago.
  7. I thought of @oblong as soon as I saw this.
  8. I think there is a lot of truth in that but there is a definite difference in loyalties. For instance, the greatest generation would lie about their age to serve their country and there is no way that’s happening now. Granted that might not be a great example given that people back then probably had more trust for the interests of the government whereas I think that is all but gone now (and rightfully so)
  9. I was mainly going for my distaste for social interaction 😎
  10. I have leadership that gets mad if people check their email while on vacation. They know what it is for and as long as the auto reply is on, there is no need to catch any “important” communication. It will get handled. “if we can’t operate because you’re gone for two weeks then we’ve made a huge error” had been stated many times.
  11. Friday night I was at a concert and I watched as a mid-40s woman would put her phone away for about 45 seconds and then was right back on it. so yeah, it’s an addiction.
  12. I think the older millennials are figuring it out. They’re miffed at the young millennials and GenZ.
  13. I mean, that’s a fun story and all but ya gotta come up with better Al Kaline stories to keep up with @The Ronz 😎
  14. Zingers were one of the things that I loved about Josh Lewin. I think that many times they flew right over Gibbys head
  15. No. 🤣 As to the rest of it, I like that the music is there as filler because my social battery drains quickly.
  16. Nice.
  17. I have had my Ariens that I bought used at least 13 years ago. It keeps right on ticking.
  18. Recently watched Suicide Squad (the one with the shark guy). it’s like Guardians of the Galaxy if GoG wasn’t funny, engaging, entertaining or interesting in any way, shape, form or matter.
  19. New Deadpool is the only thing that has me interested in the big screen as of now.
  20. What do you guys think the odds are that the wins for this season are vacated? Looking for serious answers not “honk” answers
  21. I just dumped off a bunch of Michael Jordan, Frank Thomas and Griffey cards at a considerable loss. It was a fun hobby when I was single and had time but now they sit there unappreciated. George Brett is my favorite baseball player not named Mark Fidrych and I have a considerable collection of his cards. They sit there. I have an autographed ball and some bobble heads that I will keep but I’ll probably dump off the cards once I have the mini and full sized rookie card evaluated.
  22. It's been happening since The Beatles and Elvis. The difference is the fans have 24/7 access to the fandom now. In a few years, it will be someone else. Apparently the attention on her bothers some people. Ok. *shrug* It's nothing to get up in arms about and these idiots need to let people enjoy things.
  23. I peeked in on it recently and it was mostly them and their nerd friends sharing their art and pictures of their cats. I do need to be more diligent about it for sure but I am comforted knowing that all of their friends, save for one, are level headed kids with good parents. The one that worries me is a school only friend and we have effectively and stealthly limited the interactions to that.
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