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Mr.TaterSalad last won the day on November 17 2024

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  1. President Musk is openly promoting and supporting the far right AfD Party in Germany. The AfD Party has a history of antisemitism, bigotry, Islamophobia, and xenophobia. Even the Conservative Party leadership in Germany has denounced the AfD and President Musk's support for it.
  2. GTFO OF HERE! Infrastructure week is back already.
  3. Trump mocks people with disabilities and the right excuses his behavior. So it isn't like they'd care about Elon anyways even if he was differently abled or had a disability.
  4. And unelected Czars running things too.
  5. Yeah, I didn't put in important context there in my post. That was my fault as I misrepresented it as we get 60% of our overall oil usage from Canada. Thank you for the correction.
  6. I want our resident Trump voter or someone to explain to me how 25% tariffs on Canada, a country where we get 60% of our country's crude oil from, will lower gas prices or home heating prices?
  7. **** you ESPN. What the **** was that. I'm finding something else to watch after that ****ing ****. A sport whose players are over 50% black and they feature a guy who hates black people on TV like that. That's the last I'll be watching of ESPN.
  8. Damn Riley Leonard and ND went on a 9 minute, 75 yard opening drive and just shoved it down Ohio State's throat to score. Great opening drive.
  9. Like Lou Holtz said, Ryan Day is a weak, whiny, bitch and Ohio State ain't tough. Go Irish I guess.
  10. What's the point in believing in God if he can't even guarantee your Catholic School a win and a Natty? I think Ohio State wins tonight.
  11. We're 7 hours into Trump's Presidency. He has 17 hours left to end the Ukraine-Russia War and make good on his promise to end the war in 24 hours.
  12. What about poaching Wink Martindale from Michigan for DC?
  13. I'd rather have an angry grievance squad than insurrectionists who attempted a coup to overthrow the government. Remember the peaceful transfer of power from Biden to Trump? I do. Remember the peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Biden? Me neither!
  14. And the Hambugler too. Rubble, rubble, rubble cheeseburger!
  15. If I was going to say my heart goes out to you I might pat my chest and raise my hand in gesture too. Throwing his arm out the way he did though leaves room for interpretation.
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