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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. That's the other thing no one is talking about. No player worth a damn is going to sign here when the owner makes you pay for your own parking, with flex parking rates. I can go to the Yankees or Red Sox and get a lucrative contract with roster bonuses and player incentives. Or I can play for Chris Ilitch and be forced to pay $50 for parking at practice and home games.
  2. I hate to break it to you, but when Mob Queen Marian Ilitch passes Chris Ilitch is going to bulldoze Copa, with taxpayer subsidies, and put up a parking lot. Comerica Park will become Comerica Lot with flex parking rates ranging from $25-$85. If you read the history of Joni Mitchell's song Big Yellow Taxi, you'll know that Mike Ilitch and Chris Ilitch have song writing credits. That song is actually about downtown Detroit.
  3. Henderson's speed and athletic ability was off the charts. There may have been better players to play the game, but he has to be one the fastest and most athletic to do it. RIP Ricky Henderson.
  4. We should sign Cousin's for when Goff gets hurt this week and goes out for the season.
  5. Yes, it's the antivaxxer and aids denier RFK Jr.
  6. Which of the three most controversial nominees is most likely to fail and not get appointed? Tulsi al-Assad, Marco Polio, or the alleged sexual assaulter?
  7. A lot of these injuries are fluke things that happen on a given play and are out of the player or staff's control. However, does the training or coaching staff deserve any level of criticism here? Are they pushing guys too hard in practice or workouts? Are there things the training staff may need to improve on. This is ridiculous how no one else in the league is even close to us.
  8. We'd have to know that and if he's even bothered to stay in football shape or not.
  9. Everyone is skating around the real reason we're in this situation. That WCF sticker has to get removed from their helmet.
  10. I am out of things to say at this point in the season.
  11. There simply can't be a team in the NFL more impacted by injuries than us can their be? This is ridiculous to look at.
  12. What a terrible stretch run we've had.
  13. I hope so. But they can only rely on next man up for so long. They've schemed there way into being respectable with back up players and their less than star player starters. It doesn't seem sustainable.
  14. This is the first time all season I've really, truly felt bad about the direction of this team and worried about our Super Bowl prospects. At some point you simply can't overcome this amount of injuries and expect to win every single game that breaks down into a shootout.
  15. So why go for the onside kick on the first attempt? What's the logic there?
  16. I wouldn't have kicked am insides on the last one but would here.
  17. Talk about not trusting your defense at all. Dumb!
  18. What a throw by Goff and St. Brown with a big run to take it home.
  19. This is really incredible with all these injuries.
  20. He missed it, you just hate to see it. Thoughts and good vibes for Dorsey. I couldn't watch that.
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