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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. This game is going to turn into a full on shootout now and we can't afford not to score here.
  2. Well fudge! Who was he throwing that too?
  3. Headache? Neck injury? God forbid something far more serious?
  4. Our entire starting front 7, minus Jack Campbell, is now out. This is unreal.
  5. Christ! McNeill is out now too. This has gotten ridiculous.
  6. Our head coach is rock solid in his convictions when he chooses to go for it and I love that conviction.
  7. GIBBBBBSSSSS!!!!! Great playcalling there.
  8. When you have a gallow with a noose outside the capitol and you're chanting threats about hanging the Vice President of the United States, what else are we supposed to think. If I showed up with a gun and chanted a threat at someone about shooting them, that would be taken seriously. So I don't understand why this one would be dismissed.
  9. Does the distance at which you attempt to kill someone matter now? Pretty sure that gallow and noose were specifically meant for any elected officials they could get their hands on.
  10. And speaking of fentanyl deaths, believe it or not, we can be capable of caring about two things at once. Both controlling and stopping the flow of dangerous fentanyl into the United States and creating a better healthcare system that doesn't allow 45,000 or more uninsured persons per year to die because of a lack of preventative coverage. As well, address the tens-of-thousands of people who are denied coverage or are underinsured and suffer as a result. We can and we should care about solving both problems.
  11. Nice try. I specifically said in my post that I don't condone violence and don't wish harm upon Mr. Thompson or any insurance executive. Speaking of justifying assassinations, remember those hang Mike Pence chants from MAGA rioters and the hangman's noose they brought to the capitol on January 6th. I do. And had they actually got their hands on Pence, Pelosi, or any number of politicians that they, those folks would have in all likelihood been killed.
  12. According to a Harvard study, an estimated 45,000 people die every single year because they don't get proper healthcare coverage or don't have healthcare insurance at all. The for-profit insurance industry makes money off of people's misery and illness. It denies coverage to many when they request that a doctor or medical provider try a lower cost option first. If they had their way, we would still be living in an era where insurance companies could deny healthcare to human beings on the basis of preexisting conditions. I don't condone the use of violence against another human being. I don't wish death upon United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson or any insurance executive. The fact of the matter is though, they wish death upon thousands of people each year when they deny them coverage or seek to profit off of the healthcare conditions and ailments of others. They have turned wellness and taking care of yourself into a profit seeking industry and made billions off of people's sickness and injuries. So when you mourn the passing of Brian Thompson, also mourn the tens-of-thousands of people who die each year because this country doesn't provide a universal system of healthcare. Mourn for all the people past and present who have suffered and died because they were denied coverage on the basis of a preexisting condition of some type by an insurance company. Mourn the people who were denied a certain treatment or medication because their insurance provider refused to cover it or said they needed to try a cheaper option first.
  13. Jocelyn Benson is for sure running for Governor. Mike Duggan has always been a politician in it for himself in my mind, this just further entrenches that. Duggan care about one man, Duggan.
  14. I'm glad to see you're a progressive now, advocating for a higher minimum wage as progressives like myself and others on this site and across the country have been doing for years. So that's good to see. Normally MAGA folks talk about how raising the minimum wage will just raise prices. So good that you're not making that argument. Furthermore, I've said before that I want to ensure all workers are paid a living wage. The trouble with farm and agriculture work is that most Americans don't want to do this type of backbreaking labor. There are many examples out there of farmers reporting back that they can't find or hire Americans who want to do agriculture work and so they end up needing to supplement part of their workforce with undocumented immigrants. To make the slavery comparison though is pretty low. Slaves were under bondage and not paid at all. Speaking of the south, it's your side, MAGA, that keeps flying the confederate flag everywhere and talking about southern heritage, which includes the enslavement of people. Not a heritage I'd want to fly a flag for, but that's just me.
  15. So you think deporting 40% of our farm and agriculture workers won't have a negative effect on food prices and food supply?
  16. Can't wait to see you out there picking corn, soybeans, and walnuts. 40-44% of our farm and agriculture workforce is undocumented according to the USDA. Good luck with replacing 40% of any industry's workforce.
  17. Yes, his MAGA folks were going around bashing Liz Cheney (which I'm all in favor of on foreign policy) and talking about how there were no wars under Trump (which is not true). They talked about him as if he were Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink.
  18. Wasn't Donald Trump supposed to be the modern day Cindy Sheehan? We were told by the MAGA cult that he is anti-war and pro peace. Does any of what he wrote above sound anti-war and pro peace to you? Does any of what he wrote above sound like he is a candidate who believes in peace through diplomacy and a person who will avoid conflict?
  19. Glad to see Davis is back at practice. Hopefully that means he plays on Thursday. Any updates on Iffy or Moseley?
  20. Justin Tucker has completely fallen apart now. He's missed 3 FGs and/or extra points today. Just last year he was the best kicker in the league, now he's one of the most inaccurate.
  21. Why wouldn't we want to clinch this week?
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