I was thinking this morning about why Republicans are able to be so successful with their negative, hate-filled, disinformation brand of politics. Yes, the phobias and isms help them. Yes, the anti-science rhetoric riles people up. As does the us versus them mentality. But I think at it's core, what really makes them so successful versus the Democratic messaging, is that they have an entire media ecosystem with which they can manufacture what they want their voters to care about, think about, be outraged about, and respond to. Normally, it's the voters telling the politicians what they are upset about. With the right and Republicans, its the party and the media apparatus telling the voters what to think about and care about. And it is this way because they've been dumbed down and stripped of any ability to think critically. Worse or just as bad as that, they have created a culture where decent is shunned and scorned.
The voters on the right and Republicans have built an innate trust in that everything they see and hear on and from Donald Trump, Fox News, OAN, NewsMax, Rush Limbaugh, Dan Bongino, Steve Bannon, conservative Facebook and Twitter must be true. If they say something than I am going to believe it. The thought of even questioning what you see every night on Tucker or Laura, even questioning what comes out of Trump's mouth, has been erased from their minds. They've been worn down to a nub, erased off all critical thinking skills due to terrible education system, and are following the Pied Piper straight off the bridge without question.
Xenophobia, homophobia, anti-science, extreme religiousness, and all the other jargon that comes along with being on the right are themselves effective messaging tools to keep people constantly interested and motivated towards a goal. However, it's the dumbing down of society, the wearing down of any ability to think critically, and the shunning of those who do that is at its core, that has allowed their media ecosystem to take hold and dictate to the voters what they need care about.
Does this make any sense haha?