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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Steve Bannon is my guess as far as the Proud Boys connection goes. Bannon was the one trumpeting on his radio show/podcast how things were going to get wild on January 6th.
  2. I don't disagree that there are plenty of nutty, crazy people on the left. A day on twitter will show you that. The 9/11 truther movement originally took hold among left-wing minded individuals back in the day. There have been various other crazy ideas and conspiracy theories that people on the left have adopted from the CIA to vaccines to things corporations do. There have also been people on the left pushing ideas, like abolishing ICE and defunding entire police departments, that currently sit outside the American mainstream of ideas. All that said, it is an incredibly small minority of people on the left pushing those things. Generally, even among some of the less well educated or more radical individuals on the left, the average progressive/leftist/democratic socialist/social democrat just wants a government that supports people and takes care of a bunch of core, basic needs in life. Healthcare, child welfare, nutritious food, clean water, housing quality public education, reliable transpiration, a healthy planet, a clean environment, taking care of wildlife, etc. are all seen as basic human rights. The average person on the left isn't building a political movement centered around lazy people on welfare, CRT, gun ownership with no restrictions, gays grooming people, bootstrapping your way through life, or creating a survival of the fittest society. Sure, the party of centrists and third way Democrats like Joe Biden, Tip O'Neill, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Liberman, John Kerry, Barack Obama is slowly being replaced by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Jamal Bowan, John Fetterman, and on. But it isn't being replaced that way all at once. In-fact, there are some on the left who do indeed complain that the transformation of the party into a solidly progressive one moves too slow. But in general, the way they are trying to transform the party and the source of their frustration is built around not helping people enough. Whereas with Republicans and people on the right who are transforming their party, the source of their frustration is racial grievance, intolerance, and a wanting for someone to feel as miserable in life as they do. Misery and hatred love company, and they are finding a home on the right wing of America. Rational Republicans are fewer and fewer these days. The party of educated, thoughtful, sophisticated conservatism of the likes of George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, Jack Kemp, Gerald Ford, John Boehner, George Will is being replaced by a radical, less educated element with Donald Trump, MTG, Lauren Bobert, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Steve Bannon, and Tucker Carlson. How many people on the right do you hear standing up to people like Herschel Walker who are out there denying evolution or Ben Carson who says the Pyramids of Egypt were grain silos built by Joseph or Donald Trump who says climate change is a Chinese hoax or immigrant caravans from the likes of Tucker Carlson. Pick out anyone of these idiots and chances are they'll be talking about grooming, CRT, gay people, an immigrant invasion of America, guns, non-existent voter fraud, etc. The American right has become far more radicalized than the American left. Furthemore, the intentions of the average person on the American left is much more altruistic, caring, kind, and virtuous towards the plight of others than it is on the American right.
  3. The far right and Republicans, as with everything else, are just projecting when it comes to teaching and what they want taught. They accuse the left and Democrats of "grooming" their kids with an LGBTQA and racially sensitive agenda. When in actuality none of that is happening and it is they who want to ban what can and cannot be taught. It is they who want to dictate to Teachers and Education Professionals what can and cannot be taught. It is they who want creationism and junk theories with no provable scientific merit taught alongside or instead of scientifically tested theories and hypothesis'. They who want to ban books like Maus and whitewash history in the process.
  4. Same thing apparently goes with Diane Feinstein. When someone has a serious brain health issue, unlike what Arch always claims about Biden, it is wrong to put that person through the rigors of running for office and a disservice to have them serving as a public official. I agree with you that based on the comments Walker has made previously and based on him having played football for a long period of time in his life, that CTE may be an issue there. I am not a doctor or medical professional, so for me to firmly say he has CTE would be wrong. I am not claiming CTE is a thing with Herschel Walker and don't have the professional knowledge about brain trauma and CTE to make that armchair diagnosis. But for his own sake (and that of the countries) I hope he loses and gets the professional, medical help he may well need.
  5. I watched the video clip and the Trump supporter/January Sixer says "We're coming to take you out. We're coming to pull you by your hairs. You're gonna need a shine up on top of that bald head when I get done with you." I remember when a deranged individual who was a Bernie Sanders supporter and campaign volunteer shot up a Congressional baseball game and wounded Congressman Steve Scalise. Bernie Sanders was quick to condemn the man and his action in the strongest possible terms. He then continued to condemn the man on the Sunday Shows after the situation happened. I remember when January Sixers assaulted Capitol Police and attempted a coup to overthrow the government on January 6th 2020. Kevin McCarthy was quick and swift to condemn their actions and those of President Trump. Two weeks later, he was quick and swift to be a bootlicking, partisan hack and walk back almost all of his prior condemnation.
  6. Projection! Don't be a deadbeat dad. Welp, looks like I'm a deadbeat dad.
  7. Daily Beast: Herschel Walker Says He’s a Model Dad. He Has a Secret Son. Quotes from Walker about deadbeat dads . . . LOL, projection as always. Herschel Walker criticizes absentee fathers and has a son he has no contact with. He's a deadbeat dad himself.
  8. The same political action committee that went after Madison Cawthorn is going after Bobert. The arguments they make against her on this website are salacious as all get out, so who knows what is true and what isn't. Not a lot of credible evidence backing this stuff up yet. https://www.fireboebert.com/drunklauren
  9. Have we brought Deboer in for an interview yet?
  10. Devin Funchess is a Lion now. Just signed today apparently.
  11. https://www.macombdaily.com/2022/06/05/poll-marlinga-holds-big-lead-for-primary-narrow-margin-over-john-james/ Macomb Daily reported on a poll from Ed Sarpolus at Target Insyght that had it Marlinga 44% and James 40%. Sapolus is a middle of the road, non-bias pollster I believe. I don't think he is a Dem-affiliated pollster.
  12. Here are more of the crosstabs for those interested in the Ryan/Vance poll . . . https://innovationohio.org/uncategorized/poll-tim-ryan-maintains-lead-over-gop-extremist-j-d-vance/
  13. Don't let yourself get excited, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too early and it's only one poll. But damn, if Tim Ryan beat J.D. Vance that'd be the upset of the year!
  14. Nope. According to bozos like Larry Summers, the entire reason we have inflation is because of the $1,400 stimulus checks in the American Rescue Plan. Mind you, this is the same Larry Summers who told Obama and his White House team to cut down the size of the stimulus plan after the economy had just fallen off a cliff and into recession in 2008-2009. Summers pushed and was victorious in getting a significantly smaller stimulus than was actually needed to help people during the Great Derivatives Financial Crises.
  15. We've been taught as capitalist consumers and Americans that it is our patriotic duty to buy more and spend your money on things and services. A good quality of life is measured in America not by your relationships you build or your health or education level, but rather measured by the amount of crap you are able to amass as a good capitalist consumer. With inflation and higher gas prices there are legitimately low-income and poor people who are severely and dramatically effected by the rise in the cost of living. These people have been falling further behind for a while and haven't felt real, nominal wage increases for a long time, if ever. Then there is another group of Americans, working class, lower-middle, middle, and upper-middle earners. Folks with median household incomes north of $50k. These are your capitalist consumers who just want to spend, spend, spend! These people want to spend a big percentages of their paychecks on Amazon, at Target, and taking vacations. They drive into work and feel the pinch of gas prices. They also vote, unlike the average low income individual, and are probably blaming Biden and Democrats on higher prices and will thus stay home out of apathy or vote Republican because they can't buy, consume, and travel exactly as they had been. Inflation and gas prices have forced cutbacks.
  16. Given that QBs normally take two years to hit their stride, if we do go out and get a QB in the 2023 draft, how does that effect our playoff window? Do we start the rookie from game 1 or or shortly there after and expect the 2023 season to be a lost cause as far as making the playoffs goes because we expect growing pains from that rookie? Does he sit behind Goff for the year and thus we expect to be a playoff contender in 2023 with Goff at the helm and the rookie taking over in the 24 season?
  17. Democrats will lose because and there will be no accountability in the end.
  18. Yep, there is no reason why local clerk's offices can start counting mail-in/absentee votes before Election Day. If someone wants their ballot back they can simply find that ballot number, spoil the ballot, and allow the person to revote with a new ballot. Additionally, if, like Trump, you are worried about votes being counted over night and into the early morning hours, you can allow Clerks to count them prior to Election Day as they come in.
  19. Stirewalt is a good, credible, effective witness.
  20. Stepien looks quite nervous today.
  21. Post Malone needs to take a pause on his rap career and do a country/bluegrass album. Between his cover of Cocaine Blues here with Billy Strings and his cover of Strugill Simpson's You Can Have the Crown, he's got the skills and chops to make a real doggone country album.
  22. I never realized Reince Priebus' real first name was Reinhold. His middle name is Richard apparently. I more or less just posted this comment so I could point out that his name his Reinhold Dick Priebus. America got it in the Reinhold alright. By a big dick named Trump
  23. I'll believe it when I see it. No more false hopes of actual accountability happening.
  24. More projection! I do one thing but accuse you of doing it. Projection is the playbook for the GOP.
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