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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Violence from the party of law and order? If they would just comply.
  2. https://michigandems.com/new-tudor-dixons-participation-in-offensive-disgusting-films-complicates-own-crusade-to-demonize-public-schools-and-healthcare-providers/ Tudor Dixon acted in some B-rated, low-budget tv show with blood, guts, gore, and nudity.
  3. I get that. I used to somewhat be that way in my old days around here, so I certainly understand that style of posting he uses. One of my favorites from that time period was a thread I started bashing on Amtrak. I remember starting a whole thread about the failures of the Amtrak system simply so I could use that as broader conjecture to link the failings of an underfunded transit system to the broader system of government, trying to point out that because Amtrak had shortcomings that must mean all government programs are destined to fail or have done so already. I wasn't arguing facts or researched information and I wasn't living in the complex realities of the world we live in. Nor was I looking into the underpinnings of what Amtrak failed to live up to expectations.
  4. Serious question, have you ever written a research paper in your life? Do you know the process of putting research together and validating that research through a works cited page or bibliography? I ask because it is always projection and conjecture when you post and very little evidence, fact finding or source citing. You continuously make claims about "Biden hurting the American people so badly" or him having dementia/alzheimer's (like Ronald Reagan did when he was in the White House) but routinely fail to cite or provide any concrete evidence to backup your claims. I think many of us would much rather debate you if you tried validating your claims with credible sourcing and citation of evidence. Whether you want to find evidence from Wall Street Journal, American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Heartland, hell, even credible, factual stories from Fox News or sources from mainstream media outlets or centrist think tanks, give us something. It is constant conjecture and finger pointing from you without backing up the claims. Sure, a lot of that, plus a lot of hand wringing, went on during the course of the Mueller Investigation. Myself, others here, were all guilty of that from time to time. But, a lot of us still like to engage in factual debates, grounded in reality. Sure, we may also be partisan or ideologically driven often too. I don't dispute that. But generally, we don't live in a world of fiction, created within our own ideological ecosphere. When asked to, we can backup and validate our claims on a host of issues with credible, cited evidence and facts.
  5. I'm in the believe it when I see it camp at this point. We've had a lot of false hope thinking that at least some of what Trump and his family did would be held to account and thus far he has not been. Misreporting tax information, tax evasion, misrepresenting and inflating/deflating assets, Jared's dealings with the Saudis, etc. I could be way off base (and hope I am) but I think similar to Nixon, they don't want to set a political precedent of prosecuting a President. That's a big mistake IMO if it is indeed true, because it sets a lawless precedent.
  6. A lot of people, esspecialy among Democrats and progressives, think Merrick Garland has not done enough to hold Trump and his cronies accountable. They see a lack of inaction and a lack of prosecutorial power being wielded against the former President. Do these hearing finally prod Merrick Garland's DOJ into taking prosecutorial action against Trump himself? Do you think Garland's DOJ has been working on a case and taking action against Trump all along regardless of what comes out of these hearings?
  7. Does the average American, independent or moderate voter watch this? If so, do they care? Do you think they've done a good enough job thus far showing them and and getting them to understand the gravity of the situation? Do they understand the dire consequences of voting Trump-worshipping Republicans back into power?
  8. That's going to be a key, repeated word for the average American watching this to help them comprehend and grasp the gravity of what the hell happened and why it's so serious.
  9. Liz Cheney is doing a superb job thus far!!!
  10. Whose watching the January 6th Select Committee hearings tomorrow?
  11. If you like Steve Earle and stuff like Copperhead Road, you should give his late son, Justin Townes Earle a listen.
  12. A wave of stupidity has washed over this country and if we don't get everyone we know and then some out to vote for Democrats in 2022 that wave will come crashing down on governmental bodies all over this country.
  13. This Paladino guy, who is running to represent the Congressional District that Buffalo resides in shared Facebook posts that said both the Buffalo supermarket and Uvalde school shootings were false flag events.
  14. I posted this in the Michigan Politics thread as well. According to the latest poll, this guy was leading in the GOP Primary field with 19% of the vote I believe. With the MAGA crowd this probably only increases his street cred.
  15. I listened to the entire clip and he says he can't get comfortable with the "Rinoism of the Republican Party" but he can get comfortable with a who who murdered millions of people (Jews, Poles, Journalists, Gays, Communists, Political Dissenters, etc.) by shoving them into concentration camps and gas chambers.
  16. I'd love to work for the Lions. I could become the teams College QB Scout. Would they let me wear my SOL t-shirt and a paper bag around the office?
  17. Looking at the guys LinkedIn profile, looks like he was a Salary Cap Analyst under John Dorsey when Dorsey was GM of the Browns. https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandonsosna/
  18. The stones on Gym Jordan to bring god and morality into something when he helped cover up the sexual abuse of young men.
  19. Detroit News: FBI arrests Michigan GOP governor candidate Kelley during raid Apparently he was at the January 6th attack on the capitol and attempted coup.
  20. And now we're down to 4 candidates for Governor in Michigan on the GOP side. LOL!
  21. I wouldn't be against Cassidy coming in here. He's 245-108 with a career .694 winning%. He's made it to the Cup before and kept his teams playoff competitive each year he was in Boston.
  22. Brookings Institute Guide to January 6th Brookings Institute has a great guide detailing the events of January 6th and everything that led up to Trump's attempted coup. This is a great read in the run up to tomorrow's primetime hearings about Trump's attempted coup.
  23. Inflation is the genie going back into its bottle. Along the lines of what E already asked earlier. Do you think if we had a progressive President like Bernie or Warren, alongside a truly progressive Congress, and they enacted federal price controls on individual goods, services, and industries, does that make things better or worse than they are now?
  24. I read data from the San Francisco Fed that said the American Rescue Plan contributed to about .3% of inflation. I read data as well that blamed it for anywhere between 1% to 3% of the current inflationary increase. Progressive economist Dean Baker said 1% and America Enterprise Institute had the 3% figure. Lets not forget, Biden only had $1,400 stimulus checks in the American Rescue Plan. Trump wanted $2,000 checks initially at the end of 2020. I refuse to except the idea that wages need to be depressed and kept low overall for working class folks in order to keep inflation low. I think prices by corporations and businesses need to be held in check better, not working people's wages. Inflation in the UK is up 9% year-to-date. In Germany it is up 7.4% year-to-date, 5.1% in Australia, and a staggering 12/3% in Brazil. So while the economic stimulus pushed up inflation here in the US a small percent, you're seeing globally, that inflation is a problem for many countries. I think had Biden's BBB passed in its fullest form, i.e the $3.5 trillion package that folks like Biden, Bernie, Warren, and the progressives in Congress had initially wanted, it probably drives up core inflation a little bit overall, but lowers costs on things that are apart of the bill. I think drug prices, child care costs, and other items that were apart of the BBB bill would be slightly lower as a result of the federal government stepping in with either stimulus or using its negotiating power.
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