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Everything posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. You're thinking of George W. Bush and that was Dick Cheney calling the shots.
  2. She wears that white hood a little tight around her head sometimes and it clearly cuts off the oxygen.
  3. Now that Wal-Mart owns the Denver Broncos it will be interesting to see if Broncos salaries start trending downward too given Wal-Mart's notoriously low pay for their employees. May have the first NFL contract in history for an hourly wage.
  4. Of course not, I was just poking fun at the Walton family for their history of opposing workers rights to organize.
  5. I wonder what kind of upheaval there will be in Denver and who will want to leave after their new Wal-Mart family owner union busts and refuses to let his players join the NFLPA? If they run their team like they run their stores you can expect them to slash payroll too, so maybe Russ is available now.
  6. That was an excellent thread and spot on.
  7. If Trump truly wanted to drain the swap he would have fought for anyone or all of the following policies and changes . . . 1. A lobbying ban for elected officials and government employees/appointees. One that either outright bans them from becoming registered lobbyists after leaving government or enforces a long timeline between leaving government and becoming a lobbyist. 2. Called for an end to Citizen's United and corporate personhood that allows corporate PAC money, protected under the guise of free speech, to be funneled into campaigns. 3. Called for public financing of campaigns. Building off the call to end Citizen's United, he would have advocated that all campaigns for federal office are required to be funded either entirely or at least a certain percentage of public funds. 4. Called for an end to stock trading by elected officials and high-level cabinet appointees and federal officials. 5. Proposed an end to individual state gerrymandering and pushed for legislation to enact a federal gerrymandering statue where all states are required to draw their house district maps based on the same criteria. 6. Required all Presidents to fully divest any business operations they or their immediate family own into a blind trust. 7. Required a full financial disclosure of all elected leaders, including the President, and their immediate family. This includes tax returns, investments, trusts, businesses owned, etc. Trump never called for any of this because he is too monumentally stupid to understand the complexities of these public policies and others that could have truly drained the swamp. He is also too monumentally corrupt and too much a grifter to advocate for these policy changes, against his own self interests.
  8. I see you got the latest MAGA software download over the weekend.
  9. We are engaged in a tyranny of the stupid!
  10. If you like Jason Isbell you'll love Zach Bryan.
  11. Still my favorite short film of all time, and it's not even in an actual movie, but the Simpsons.
  12. My expectations with Okudah start with making the roster. It seems far fetched to think he won't, but the bar is so low that I'm just placing on the floor and starting with make the roster first. From there, once it is confirmed he will be apart of the 53 man roster, it's for him to at least win the starting job coming out preseason. I know he's been bitten by the injury bug a lot, but even when he has been on the field he's gotten roasted and looked completely out of place in coverage. I really hope we have a competent starting CB with this guy, but I am not counting on it at this point. I am counting on this being Quinn's last parting, sorry ass gift out of town.
  13. A party of truly dangerous, deranged, colossal morons!
  14. Hakkan (well Kenny by Hakkan's suggestion I'm sure) drafted this Swedish kid Hampus Melén back in 2013. I was so certain we had found our next Eurostar, Swedish sleeper after watching some film on the kid. Kid never made the roster or got a contract. Oh well, so much for that.
  15. LOL @ THIS GUY Kevin Rinke running for Governor. https://fb.watch/doFgjxnfkx/
  16. Yes, Lyndon Johnson's use of the n-word is and was abhorrent and unacceptable. Yes, Johnson deserves scorn and criticism for his use of the n-word. But Johnson did pass major civil rights and voting rights legislation. The southern Dixiecrats who opposed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act would today be MAGA Republicans and voting for the like of Trump, DeSantis, MTG, Bobert, Gohmert, DePerno, etc. The same type of legislation that all these Republican hypocrites have spent decades trying to roll back by the way.
  17. Also, yesterday's shooter killed himself. So it looks like the good guy with a gun didn't stop that one either.
  18. Texas could start by expanding Medicaid and mental health services to low income families and children.
  19. Four killed at a hospital in Oklahoma yesterday. I wonder if there was armed security there? Guess we should only have one entrance open at the hospitals now. Guess doctors, nurses, surgical technicians, pharmacists, pharmacy, technicians janitors, and cafeteria workers should all be carrying guns now at all times. It is a doctors duty to protect their patients health, so not only should you look out for the tumor on the CT scan, you should look around every corner for a potential gunman. Also, the gunman committed suicide, so looks like yet another case where a good guy with a gun didn't stop a bad guy with a gun. Also, if we did have doctors, nurses, and hospital staff carrying a gun, are we literally suggesting hospital staff have a shootout, at a place of wellness like a hospital, in front of patients? Also, if you've ever been inside a hospital, you will realize that most of them have hallways that twist and turn, with multiple corners to go around and multiple doors to go through. So if the person dresses to blend in, versus wearing apparel that stands out, whose going to be able to identify the active shooter if a majority of people are carrying and staff/visitors are shooting everywhere? I don't think this is the type of America people want to live in, with guns everywhere and shootouts occurring at schools, daycare centers, grocery stores, hospitals, doctors offices, dentist offices, chiropractic offices, places of worship, movie theaters, putt-putt golf centers, laser tag facilities, amusement parks, bars, restaurants, fast food restaurants, shopping malls, antique stores, strip clubs, museums, zoos, anywhere. But if you vote Republicans into a majority in the House and Senate and elect one as President in 2024, this is the type of America you will get.
  20. Just watch Trump's White Nationalist ass kissers on Fox News like Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham and you don't even have to go on social media to fall down a rabbit hole.
  21. Assuming Republicans haven't fully killed off free and fair elections by 2024, I think Whitmer will be the next Democratic nominee for Senate after Stabenow.
  22. Are you aware that almost every country that has universal gun safety measures, like background checks, waiting periods, and metal health evaluations has lower gun crime than we do? Are you aware that we have more guns than any other developed nation and also have more gun crime? Are you aware that you can do something other than parrot right wing talking points and actually argue with data and research?
  23. I think what the MAGA and Republican folks would say is whether at a school super market, movie theater, concert, shopping mall, beach, whatever, that we'd all be safer if significantly more people were carrying a gun. More people carrying would make bad guys think twice about committing a crime. In the event a crime did occur, that good guy with a gun could disable the perpetrator or active shooter a lot faster. We of course know this is all BS and the statistics don't back up the claim. According to FBI data, around 1% of good guys with a gun actually stop a crime in progress. It seems far more likely that a shootout would ensue if 50% of the people or more at a supermarket or movie theater or concert were packing heat. And I don't mean a shootout between the bad guy and the good guys. I mean people misidentifying who the active shoot is and all of a sudden you have people shooting innocent by standards and firing indiscriminately. I think it would turn an already chaotic situation into a worse situation in most instances. Sure, there may be one off situations where the bad guy or active shooting is neutralized quicker, but based on the data and statistics we already have about good guys with guns stopping crimes, I think it is more likely that wouldn't happen.
  24. You all on the right want to scream about mental health and mental healthcare after every mass shooting. That's fine, I agree, something more needs to be done for the mental and emotional well being of people all across this country. I do believe we should offer Medicare For All to every American and include comprehensive mental healthcare and emotional wellness care as apart of that. But if you all on the right want to fucking do something about mental health and mental healthcare, start in your own damn states. According to a study from the United Way, these are the states with the best and worst and least access to mental healthcare. You always like to tell is that it starts at home on the right, well start by taking care of your own houses. The States with the Best Access to Mental Healthcare Providers Massachusetts Oregon Delaware Maine Vermont Alaska Rhode Island Connecticut Oklahoma New Mexico The States with the Worst Access to Mental Healthcare Providers Alabama Texas West Virginia Arizona Georgia Tennessee Iowa Mississippi Indiana Florida
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